Jens Apitz re-elected as Kanzler

On Friday, 17 July 2020, the director of the university administration, who has been in office since 1999, was re-elected in a joint meeting of the University Council and Senate. His fourth term of office will start on 1 March 2021.

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Konstanzer Startup-Initiative Kilometer1 geht den nächsten Schritt

Die Universität Konstanz und die Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG) bauen gemeinsam ihre Unterstützung für Gründung und Unternehmertum weiter aus. Nach erfolgreicher Einwerbung von Förderung in Höhe von 1,9 Millionen Euro im Wettbewerb „EXIST-Potentiale“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) sind die beiden Hochschulen jetzt mit ihrem Projekt „E-ShipHoch4“ (Entrepreneurship hoch vier) gestartet.

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University of Konstanz recognised as “European University”

Along with its four project partners in Bulgaria, Denmark, France and Greece, the University of Konstanz was successful in the European Universities Initiative (EUI) of the European Commission. In the next three years, the partners’ “European Reform University Alliance” (ERUA) will receive funding of approximately five million euros to establish a pan-European university network.

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Stress testing “coral in a box”

Save the corals: Mobile rapid test to assess coral thermotolerance developed in an international collaboration with the University of Konstanz. The article is available in the online magazine of the University of Konstanz:

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Lefties and righties: asymmetry in fish genitalia

Evolutionary biologists from the University of Konstanz resolve a century-old question regarding the asymmetric genitals of internally fertilizing fishes of the family Anablepidae. Surprisingly, the direction of genital asymmetry in these fishes is random rather than hereditary.

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