A general influenza vaccine

New vaccination method for lasting protection against all known influenza mutations in preclinical testing phase – potentially effective also against SARS-CoV-2 – joint research project of the University of Konstanz, University of Tübingen and Technische Universität Dresden

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New vice rectors elected

Senate elects professors Dorothea Debus, Malte Drescher, Christine Peter and Michael Stürner as vice rectors at the University of Konstanz – with new official responsibilities

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Wissen vermitteln und das Interesse für Kultur wecken

Vor 32 Jahren hat alles begonnen, mit einer Vortragsreihe, die Lehrer Norbert Gräfe am Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium in Konstanz ins Leben gerufen hatte. Auf dieser Grundlage entstand 1990 das Hegau-Bodensee-Seminar (HBS), das in enger Kooperation mit der Universität Konstanz stattfindet. Was es genau mit dem HBS auf sich hat, erläutert die Leiterin Dr. Norina Procopan „Im Gespräch“.

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The road to quantum computing

How is quantum computer development currently progressing in Germany and Europe? Researchers at the University of Konstanz led by Professor Guido Burkard report on the crucial challenges, the potential of silicon-based quantum bits, and the formation of three new research networks– at the European level, at the federal level, and at the state level in Baden-Württemberg.

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