Research team involving the University of Konstanz discovers magnetic phenomena in antiferromagnets that could pave the way to developing faster and more efficient data storage.
Identifying and researching different heat stress response patterns in corals will help to protect the world's reefs better from the effects of climate change. A new study completed with the participation of the University of Konstanz describes the necessary test procedures and initial results.
Pandemics and contagion over the course of human history – from ancient times to the present. This is the topic of a multi-university student exhibition project in Konstanz's "Turm zur Katz".
Funded through the research prize of the Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation amounting to 250,000 euros, the Center for Image Analysis in the Social Sciences (CIASS) will be established at the University of Konstanz.
Das Limnologische Institut der Universität Konstanz beteiligt sich an dem stadtweiten Aktionsmonat „17 Ziele für Konstanz“. Am Samstag, 31. Juli 2021, öffnet es von 11 bis 14 Uhr mit einem vielfältigen Programm unter dem Motto „Biologische Vielfalt von Seen“ seine Türen für die interessierte Bevölkerung. In diesem Sommer feiert das Limnologische Institut zugleich den 50. Jahrestag seiner Einweihung am heutigen Standort in Konstanz/Egg.
New Policy Paper out now: Seven researchers of the Cluster of Excellence "Politics of Inequality" of the University of Konstanz investigate perceptions and opinions on structural inequalities in the coronavirus crisis - based on representative surveys. (Policy Paper only in German)
“Sometimes the military was shooting in my neighbourhood, and I didn’t know whether it was me they were looking for”. The life of human rights activist Nickey Diamond was endangered as a result of the military coup in Myanmar. Now he’s the first fellow in the Hilde Domin Programme “Students at Risk” and is currently pursuing his doctorate in Social and Political Anthropology at the University of Konstanz.
Wettbewerb Kilometer1 Awards für Studierende und Forschende der Universität Konstanz und HTWG Konstanz geht in eine neue Runde – Chance auf 1.000 Euro Startkapital für die Umsetzung der eigenen Ideen – Bewerbung bis zum 30. September 2021 möglich