Copying others to dare

Learning from others can mitigate risk aversion, even if the others we learn from tend to avoid risky, but profitable decisions themselves. This is shown in mathematical modelling and large-scale online experiments by the social psychologists Dr Wataru Toyokawa and Professor Wolfgang Gaissmaier from the University of Konstanz.

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Public lecture postponed

The public lecture by former Federal President Joachim Gauck has been postponed due to illness. We will inform you about the new date in due course.

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Research Award for Yuko Ulrich

Dr. Yuko Ulrich, a biologist from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, convinced the jury with her research on the interaction between social organization and disease resistance in social insects.

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Recognized for social engagement

Students from Denmark, South Korea and the US receive international award from the University of Konstanz Alumni Association (VEUK) for their social engagement and good academic performance

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Like animal, like man

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize laureate Iain Couzin talks about research for which he will use the prize money of 2.5 million euros

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Mid-Career Scientist Award for Christian Voolstra

Biologist Christian Voolstra from the University of Konstanz receives the Mid-Career Scientist Award of the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) for his research on protecting corals from the impacts of climate change. At the University of Konstanz, Voolstra heads the research team Genetic Adaptation in Aquatic Systems.

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Re-Shaping Nature

For the exhibition "Re-Shaping Nature" at the University of Konstanz, scientific data on the movements of animal groups was visualized artistically – from animated posters to virtual reality installations. The opening reception takes place on 13 May 2022 at 15:00.

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