Keep the beat!

Rhythmic accuracy pays off, as researchers from Konstanz (Germany) and Israel show in their behavioural study on the courtship song of the rock hyrax. Males that sang more often and kept the beat with greater precision had higher reproductive success than their less rhythmically accurate peers.

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Migrating insects

By flying with hawkmoths during migration, scientists reveal the insects employ sophisticated flight strategies similar to vertebrates.

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Can jumping spiders dream?

Contribution to a better understanding of the evolution of sleep in animals: Konstanz biologist Daniela Rößler and her team discover jumping spiders experience a state similar to REM sleep.

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Der kritische Blick auf den eigenen Körper

TeilnehmerInnen gesucht: Das Forschungsprojekt ANCHOR der Universitäten Konstanz und Osnabrück untersucht, wie sich „Body Checking“ auf unsere Gefühle und Gedanken sowie auf psychische Erkrankungen auswirkt

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What an employee referral is worth

An employee referral programme introduced in an experiment involving Konstanz economist Professor Nick Zubanov reduces staff turnover by 15%. The most plausible reason: workers like being involved in the hiring process

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