The transience of life

[Only available in German] The university's theatre group (UTK) presents a new production of Christian Lollike's play "Verzeihung ihr Alten, wo finde ich Zeit, Liebe und ansteckenden Irrsinn" - premiere on 11 July 2017

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Jürgen Osterhammel awarded the Pour le Mérite order of merit

The Konstanz historian, Professor Jürgen Osterhammel, was elected a national member of the Pour le Mérite order of merit, the federal government announced. The decision was made during a chapter meeting held in Berlin on 11 June 2017. Also elected was the historian Professor Karl Schlögel, professor emeritus (2013) at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). Karl Schlögel was professor of Eastern European history at the University of Konstanz from 1990 until 1994. The order…

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A modern "wunderkammer"

[Only available in German] Artist Nikola Irmer's unusual animal paintings to go on display at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen - a joint project with students from the University of Konstanz

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About the environment

[Only available in German] Konstanz physicist and historian to receive the Environment Award of the Stiftung "Umwelt und Wohnen an der Universität Konstanz"

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How to share without creating dependency

[Only available in German] The next Dahrendorf lecture, hosted by the University of Konstanz's cluster of excellence, examines how wealth can be distributed fairly. Please note that the lecture will be held in English.

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Insights into closed enzymes

Scientists at the University of Konstanz and Umeå University in Sweden have arrived at a structural model of the enzyme adenylate kinase in its closed state

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"Ferdinand's dream"

[Only available in German] Collaboration between the University of Konstanz's media studies working group and the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen

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