Public Talks of the Centre for Cultural Inquiry

Winter semester 23/24

The weekly ZKF Public Talks are our major forum for exchanging ideas about ongoing research and exciting topics. We seek to maintain a good balance between academic originality and general relevance. After the lectures and discussions, there is an opportunity for social gathering and informal conversation. Citizens, staff and students are very welcome!

Some of the Talks have been recorded by KIM Lecture Recordings.

Generally on Wednesdays, 5:30:00-7:00 p.m., Bischofsvilla + Zoom (unless otherwise indicated)

Wednesday, 25.10.23
In cooperation with the NOMIS research project "Traveling Forms"
Se hace camino al andar: Wege durch die Geschichte der Lyrik in spanischer Sprache
Prof. Dr. Martin von Koppenfels and PD Dr. Johanna Schumm, both Ludwig-Maximilians-Universi­tät München
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Anne Kraume, Prof. Dr. Christina Wald

Wednesday, 8.11.23, online only
Throuple Plots: Narrative Infrastructures of Queer Kinship
Prof. Dr. Teagan Bradway, SUNY Cortland
Moderation: Dr. Jonas Kellermann

Wednesday, 15.11.23, online only
Cultural Infrastructure Studies
Cluster initiative „Transforming Infrastructure“

Wednesday, 22.11.23
In cooperation with the Research Institute Social Cohesion
„Über die Grenze“. Flucht und Flüchtlingspolitik zwischen 1938 und 1945 vom Bodensee bis in die Berge
Dr. Hanno Loewy, Jewish Museum Hohenems
Moderation: Ines Grau

Wednesday, 29.11.23
In cooperation with Konstanz University Press
Die Inszenierung von Souveränität: Protest und seine formelle Kontrolle in der späten Moderne
Prof. Dr. Andrea Kretschmann, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Moderation: Christopher Möllmann

Wednesday, 6.12.23, online only
In cooperation with the Research Institute Social Cohesion
Abhängigkeit affirmieren? Feministisch-materialistische Perspektiven
Dr. Katharina Hoppe, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Moderation: Dr. Anna Pollmann

Mittwoch, 13.12.23
In cooperation with the Postdoc Network
Gattungsdenken, Gattungshandeln, Gattungsarbeit. Praxeologie und Poetik
Prof. Dr. Werner Michler, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
Moderation: Dr. Maria Kuberg

Wednesday, 10.1.24 - CANCELLED!
In cooperation with the Leibniz Research Unit "Historical Poetics and Theory of Form"
Zur Transformation der Muster in Teppich und Flachgewebe
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Teja Bach, Universität Wien
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Juliane Vogel

Wednesday, 17.1.24, online only
In cooperation with the research initiative „Serious Gaming“
Spielen: eine Bewegung ins Ungedeckte. Zum Verhältnis von Spiel und Wissenschaftskultur
Prof. Dr. Natascha Adamowsky, Universität Passau
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Beate Ochsner

Wednesday, 24.1.24
In cooperation with the Dr. K.H. Eberle Research Centre "European Cultures in a Multipolar World"
Populism and Explosive Communities: Politics of Authenticity in a Global Society
Prof. Dr. Jiří Přibáň, Universität Cardiff
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Pavel Kolář

Thursday, 1.2.24, 18:30-20:00
Perspektivischer Dualismus: Zum Verhältnis von Phänomenologie und Kritischer Theorie
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Moderation: Dr. Jochen Dreher

Wednesday, 7.2.24
In cooperation with the NOMIS research project "Traveling Forms"
Tragic Form. Conflict, Language, Actions
Prof. Dr. Franco Moretti, Stanford University
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Juliane Vogel