Partner universities LitLing

In the following list, you find the Erasmus+ places at partner universities and partner departments of the Departments of Literature, Art and Media Studies and Linguistics (LitLing) in the academic year 2024/25.

Please note

The information is based on the arrangements made to date; in individual cases, there may still be changes (different number of places, length of stay). The final decision on admission always lies with the partner university.

If you would like to apply for a stay abroad at an Erasmus+ partner university in the academic year 2024/25 (i.e. WS 2024/25, SS 25, or WS 2024/25 and SS 25), you have to submit the application form of the Faculty of Humanities until 1st February 2024. After then, only applications for remaining places are possible.

The application form is not yet available. Once it is (in December), it can be accessed through our website "Application Erasmus+".

Below you find an overview of the relevant partner departments with which we have exchange agreements. In the list, you see the study levels for which places are available; Bachelor and Master of Education students (GymPO) can apply for places at BA and MA level, depending on the time of stay abroad within the course of studies and what you wish to be credited. In addition, the number of places and months of the Erasmus+ stays are mentioned (e.g. 2x5 means that 2 places are available for 5 months each). As the universities are in part flexible regarding the duration of stay, we also specify if places for a whole year can also be used as semester places (stay for either winter or summer semester instead of the whole academic year).

Please research information about the courses offered, options of taking them and language requirements for Erasmus+ students on the webpages of the relevant partner universities.


Universität Wien | 3x6 BA, MA (German Literature and Linguistics); 1x5 BA, MA (Latin)

Erasmus code: A WIEN01

Partner department: Institut für Germanistik (3 Places); Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein (1 Place)

Constraints on course choice:
The very well-structured webpage for exchange students explains the regulations on course choice:
"Please note that as an exchange student you generally have to select courses in the field of study that you have been nominated for. As of the academic year 2020/21, incoming students are expected to take at least 16 ECTS per year (8 ECTS per semester) in the nominated field of study. If you are interested in taking courses from a different field of study, this counts as taking courses outside your nominated field of study.
This must be discussed with the mobility coordinator of the other field of study AFTER your arrival in Vienna. However, there is no guarantee that a place will be available.
Each field of study handles this topic a bit differently. You will find some initial information regarding the possibility of attending courses outside your nominated field of study in this list.
Exceptions: specific courses related to Austria, which are, in principle, open for every exchange student, and language courses at the Language Center of the University of Vienna.
Please note that you must always register for a course, even if you are just interested in taking it. Students cannot attend a course unless they have registered online within the registration period.
Information about the confirmation of courses outside your nominated field of study on the Learning Agreement can be found below under the item “Learning Agreement”."

You can find further information on the university's webpage for Erasmus+ students.


Universiteit Gent | 2x5 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: B GENT01

Partner department: Vakgroep Letterkunde, Afdeling Duitse taal en literatur

Constraints on course choice: 
It is possible to choose courses in other faculties. However, a minimum of 50 % (preferably 60 %) of the courses should be chosen in the partner faculty (Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte / Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, codes Axxxxxx), in which our partner department "Vakgroep Letterkunde, Afdeling Duitse taal en literatur" is located. Base your course choice on the offer for exchange students:

Not all courses of all the study programmes are listed here, but you should only plan with these courses. If you are nominated for Gent, you will have the possibility to contact the lecturers individually and request participation in their courses. 

You can find further information on the fact sheet and the webpage for exchange students of the university and the faculty's webpage for exchange students.

Université Catholique de Louvain | 2x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: B LOUVAIN01

Partner department: Faculté de Philosophie, Arts et Lettres

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Information for exchange students in general can be found on the relevant webpage of the Faculté de Philosophie, Arts et Lettres. Courses outside the partner faculty can be taken, but these should not make up the main part of the study programme and should match the study programme at the home university thematically. Erasmus students can take up to two free French classes per semster, which are offered at the Institut des Langues Vivantes (ILV).

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in the partner department's fact sheet.


Sveučilište u Splitu | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: HR SPLIT01

Partner department: Department of Croatian Language and Literature

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students can take courses at every department as long as they fulfil the academic and language requirements. Note that almost all courses are taught in Croatian and rather little is offered in foreign languages. If necessary, exchange students will be provided with an English-language follow-up (consultation required).

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.


University of Cyprus (Nicosia) | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: CY NICOSIA01

Partner department:
Department of English Studies

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students should take the majority of courses in the partner department (Department of English Studies), 1-2 courses may be taken in other philological departments (e.g. the Department of French and European Studies). Students interested in taking courses in other departments than the philological ones should get in touch with the Erasmus-coordinators of the respective subject area, paying attention to the language of instruction in the department of interest (Greek, English or both).

Further information for exchange students is included in the University Of Cyprus' Fact Sheet and their webpage for exchange students.

Czech Republic

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (Palacký University Olomouc) | 2x5 BA (LKM)

Erasmus-Code: CZ OLOMOUC01

Partner department: Faculty of Theology, Department of Communication Studies

Constraints on course choice:
The partnership is aimed at LKM students. 60% of the courses must be taken in the partner faculty (Faculty of Theology). Examples of courses in English can be found in the course list of the Faculty of Theology 2024/25. Of particular interest to LKM students is the study programme Ethics and Culture in Media Communication.

Further information can be found in the University's fact sheet and on their webpage for Erasmus+ students.

Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Prague) | 2x5 BA, MA (Germanic Studies); 1x5 BA, MA, PhD (Slavic Literatures/Linguistics)

Erasmus code: CZ PRAHA07

Partner department:
Faculty of Arts,

Department of Germanic Studies (Germanic Studies; open to all students in literary studies and linguistics) and

Department of Czech and Comparative Literature (Slavic Literatures/Linguistics; open to all students in literary studies and linguistics)

Constraints on course choice:
In Prague students have to choose 51 % of their courses in the partner faculty.  Students who are nominated within the Faculty of Arts in Prague therefore have to take 51% of their courses in this faculty and can take 49 % of their courses in other faculties. However, the following departments do not accept students from other faculties: 
– Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
– Department of English Language and English Language Teaching Methodology
– Department of Film Studies
– Department of Psychology

The courses in the different faculties are listed in the course catalogue.

You can find further information on the webseite for exchange students of the university, in their fact sheet and on an Erasmus+ webpage from the partner faculty.

Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Prague) | 2x5 BA, MA (LKM)

Erasmus code: CZ PRAHA07

Partner department: Faculty of Humanities

The places in this faculty are reserved for students of the programme Literature-Art-Media 

Constraint on course choice:
In Prague students have to choose 51 % of their courses in the partner faculty.  Students who are nominated within the Faculty of Arts in Prague therefore have to take 51% of their courses in this faculty and can take 49 % of their courses in other faculties. However, the following departments do not accept students from other faculties: 
– Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
– Department of English Language and English Language Teaching Methodology
– Department of Film Studies
– Department of Psychology

The courses in the different faculties are listed in the course catalogue. Information on the course selection of the Faculty of Humanities can be found on their webpage.

You can find further information on the webseite for exchange students of the university, in their fact sheet and in the Fact Sheet of the Faculty of Humanities.

For students interested in art:
In the Art History Department only few courses are taught in English. However, many courses in the study programme History of Christian Art (Faculty for Catholic Theology) are taught in English and are open to exchange students. In case you only want to take courses in art history, it is possible to be nominated to this faculty. Please mention this to your Uni Konstanz' Erasmus coordinators in your application. 


Roskilde Universitet | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: DK ROSKILD01

Partner department: Department of Communication and Arts

Proof of sufficient language skills:
In the course of their application for admission, exchange students will be asked to submit a proof of sufficient English language skills. Information on this and the application process and requirements can be found on the exchange students webpage and in the university's fact sheet. In addition to the usual proof (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), a test-template provided by the DAAD and filled in by an English lecturer from the Language Institute (SLI) will be accepted, provided the following skills are assessed: speaking, hearing, reading and writing English skills. The result must correspond at least to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR ). An Abitur certificate (German general higher education entrance qualification) is also accepted, as long as it shows the sufficient English language skills according to the minimum level.

Constraints on course choice:
For exchange students, Roskilde offers several semester course packages each bearing 30 ECTS credits. Exchange students are encouraged to choose a semester package within one field of study because they will benefit from:
– no overlap in lectures and exams
– study activities will most likely be with the same group of fellow students (the entire semester)
– project and courses within each package work together in order to give the student more than each activity gives on its own.

Students may also choose courses from different fields of studies (no package) but they will have to follow the essential guidelines below in order to benefit both academically and socially from the exchange: When mixing across fields of studies the student has to choose at least 20 ECTS from the same field of study or 1 project (15 ECTS) and 1 course (5 ECTS ).
Innovative teaching/learning concept of the university: Students take individual and project courses in equal shares (15:15 ECTS per semester); further information on the concept

The university's webpage offers further useful information on accommodation and guides for your study start

This university is part of the European university network European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), which was granted within the European Universities Initiative by the EU 2020. We expect thrilling teaching and learning projects among the participating universities! You find further information about the network and other mobility options to one of the participating universities on the ERUA webpage of the University of Konstanz.


Tartu Ülikool (University of Tartu) | 2x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: EE TARTU02

Partner department: Department of German Studies

Semester stays possible: Yes


Constraints on course choice:
Interdisciplinary studies are possible, but at least some of the courses should be chosen from the partner department. Information on the grading system and a list (Excel file) of courses taught in English (or other foreign languages) can be found on the university's webpage. Exchange students can also select courses from the Study Information System by setting the criteria in the "detailed search" as follows:

  • Language of instructions: English
  • Academic year:
  • Semester:
  • Can be taken by international visting students

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.


Jyväskylän yliopisto (University of Jyväskylä) | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus-Code: SF JYVASKY01

Partner department:
Department of Language and Communication Studies
German Language & Culture

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Within the Department of Language and Communication Studies, exchange students can take courses in the languages they also study at their home university. Erasmus+ students can only take courses in the fields of communication and English at the Department of Language and Communication Studies if there is an agreement with their home university in the field of English. The partnership of LitLing is with the discipline of German language and culture. Here, courses are mainly taught in German.
If you are studying English at your home university, you can take courses in English, provided there are still places available (i.e. no guarantee)::
"If there are places on our courses, we may be able to take to our courses some extra students who study English as their major / minor subject at their home university."

Participating in courses by the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences and the Department of Teacher Education is limited. Besides the courses in German studies, there is an offer for exchange students. You find further information about u.a. the courses on the webpage for exchange students and the university's fact sheet.

Tip: Before finalizing the first Learning Agreement, ask the responsible teachers by e-mail whether their courses will take place as indicated in the (old) course catalog, if there is not yet sufficient information on course times etc. in the course catalog.

Oulun yliopisto (University of Oulu) | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: SF OULU01

Partner department: Faculty of Humanities, German Philology

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
On the university's webpage you will find an overview of the courses in English. Courses should mainly be taken at the partner faculty (section), but it is also possible to take courses at other faculties. Further information on courses and course selection in the partner faculty can be found under "Show description". Of course, it makes sense to take a Finnish course on site.

You can find further information in the university's fact sheet and on their webpage for exchange students.


Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse | 2x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F AVIGNON01

Partner department: Département Lettres Modernes

Constraints on course choice:
In Avignon, courses from different departments and years of study can be taken very liberally. However, exchange students are supposed to study full-time, i.e. take about 30 ECTS per semester. Taking fewer ECTS has to be arranged for with the Erasmus coordinators. The university offers some courses taught in English. A list of the "Courses Taught in English" and other important information can be found on the university's webpage for exchange students.
No PhD courses are offered, i.e. PhD candidates must develop an individual work programme and find an advisor on site for the duration of their stay.
Within a welcome week for foreign students, a free one-week French course is offered.

You can find further information on the fact sheet.

Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon) | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F BESANCO01

Partner department: UFR, Sciences du Langage, de l'Homme et de la Société

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students can make interdisciplinary choices and do not have to (but may) take entire modules from the study plan of a study programme, they may also choose individual courses. In Besançon, it is also possible to study a linguistic subject in combination with a natural science (e.g. chemistry); this must merely be announced in advance, in the nomination by the Erasmus coordinator.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Université Bordeaux Montaigne | 1x10 BA, MA, PhD; 5x10 MA (Double Degree MA Multilingualism)

Erasmus code: F BORDEAU03

Partner department:
UFR Langues et Civilisations, Département Sciences du Langage

Semester stays possible: 
No (for double degree students; as part of their examination regulations, they must stay for one academic year)
Yes (for other than double degree students)

Constraints on course choice:
For double degree students of the MA Multilingualism of the University of Konstanz, the courses intended for Bordeaux are specified in the examination regulations.
Exchange students outside the double degree can in principle choose courses from all study programmes, however there is a list of courses that cannot be taken. You can find instructions for selecting your courses on the university's webpage.

Special opportunity: Students studying two subjects of which one is not offered in Bordeaux Montaigne have upon prior agreement with the Erasmus coordinators the option of taking courses at the Université de Bordeaux (this holds particularly for BA and MA of Education students with a combination of language and natural science).

You can find further important information on the university's webpage for exchange students, in their fact sheet and in their Calendar for Incoming Students.

Université de Caen Normandie | 2x9 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F CAEN01

Partner department: UFR Humanités et Sciences Sociale

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Taking courses outside the partner department is in principle possible upon agreement. MA students must at least be at language proficiency level C1 to be admitted in Caen.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Université Clermont Auvergne | 5x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: F CLERMON02

Partner department: UFR Langues, Cultures et Communication (Allemand, UFR LCC)

Constraints on course choice:
From an information e-mail to incomings in the academic year 2020/21:

"You can take 1 or 2 courses at another faculty like Letters, Culture and Human Sciences (URF LCSH) for example.
Erasmus students can take 2 courses of French courses as a Foreign Language at centre FLEURA.
There are also languages courses open to all (called LANSAD), you can choose 1 or 2 of them.
Other possible course choices open to all subject to availability:

  • Translation course for exchange students; French/English and English/French at Languages, Cultures and Communication faculty (undergraduate).
  • Studying the Auvergne as a Region (STAR): course about tourism in Auvergne taught in English at Service Commun des Langues Vivantes (SCLV)."

In addition, there is a list of courses offered in English (you are directed here from the page for exchange students, on which there is also an international student guidebook).

You can find further information in the university's fact sheet.

Université Côte d'Azur (former Nice - Sophia Antipolis) | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F NIC42 (formerly: F NICE01)

Partner department: Portail LLAC (Lettres, Langues, Arts et Communication)Portail SHS (Sciences de l'homme et de la société) (our two partner departments are located on the Carlone campus)

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Taking courses outside the field of languages is generally possibly, however, there are occasional constraints. Usually, entire modules (Unités d’Enseignements) must be taken, not individual courses. Courses that may not be taken are shorthanded as follows / originate in these study programmes:
– DU
– Master MEEF
You find courses and modules in the descriptions of study programmes.

General information for international students, as well as tips for finding accommodation, can be found on the university website. You can find further practical information on the university's fact sheet.

Université Lumière Lyon (Lyon 2) | 6x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: F LYON02 

Partner department: Lettre, Science du Langage et Arts

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
In Lyon there are only a few constraints, studies can be configured very liberally. In some practically oriented study programmes and courses, exchange students cannot be considered:

  • Licences 3 professionnelles (LP)
  • Diplômes Universitaires (DU) et Diplômes Universitaires de Technologie (DUT)
  • Masters 2 (5e année)
  • Les "options professionnalisantes" (professional options) des Licences
  • Ainsi que certains "ateliers" (tutorials or workshops) (nombre de places réduit)

You find this and further helpful tips on the webpage for exchange students and in the university's fact sheet.

ENS de Lyon - École supérieure de Lyon | 2x6 MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F LYON103

Partner department: Lettre, Langues, Littératures et  Civilisation Étrangères

Constraints on course choice:
The majority of courses taken should by at the partner department, occasionally taking courses in other areas is possible upon agreement.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and on the university's webpage for international students of the ENS de Lyon.

Université de Nantes | 2x9 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F NANTES01

Partner department:
UFR Lettres et Langages, Département des Sciences du langage

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
At least 70% of courses must be taken at the partner department. Courses by other departments that are open to students of partner study programmes (e.g. didactics courses) may be taken as well. Given the necessary background knowledge, BA students may occasionally take MA seminars (from the first year of study). Useful information for the course choice is provided on the webpage for exchange students.

Université Paris Cité (former Université de Paris) | 6x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: F PARIS482

Partner department: UFR Études Interculturelles de Langues Appliquées (EILA)

Constraints on course choice:
At least two courses per semester must be taken at the partner department. Otherwise, studies can be organized liberally (note restrictions of the individual departments).

You find further information on the university's webpage, the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Université Paris 8 (Vincennes - Saint-Denis) | 2x5 BA, MA (all), 3x5 BA, MA (media studies), 4x5 BA, MA (art studies)

Erasmus code: F PARIS008

Partner departments:

Partner departments 2x5 spots for all: UFR Science du Langage, UFR Langues et Cultures Étrangères, UFR Textes et Sociétés, UFR Arts, Philosophie, Esthétique

Partner department 3x5 spots for Media studiesUFR Culture et Communication

Partner departments 4x5 spots for Art studies: Département Arts Plastiques, UFR Arts, Philosophie, Esthétique

Constraints on course choice:
Interdisciplinary studies within the humanities are possible because courses can be chosen from all departments:

"As ours programs may differ from yours, we give the students in exchange the possibility to attend courses in all departments, so that they can choose the courses that matches their study plan.
So the student can be registered in several departments. (...)

The students should contact the academic coordinators in their fields of studies before submiting the learning agreement so that the coordinators can help them in the choice of their courses and approve it before signed." (Corresepondence 03/2021)

The Master's Programme Études Transnationales et Transculturelles at the UFR Langues et Cultures Étrangères is particularly interesting for students in the MA Global European Studies.

You find further information in the fact sheet of the partner university and the university's webpage for exchange students.

Proof of sufficient language skills:
No official proof of language proficiency is required but French proficiency at level B2 is presupposed. A free intensive language course is offered at the beginning of semesters (two weeks in September, one week in January).

This university is part of the European university network European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), which was granted within the European Universities Initiative by the EU 2020. We expect thrilling teaching and learning projects among the participating universities! You find further information about the network and other mobility options to one of the participating universities on the ERUA webpage of the University of Konstanz.

Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | 3x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: F PAU01

Partner department: Faculté Arts, Lettres, Langues  Collège Sciences Sociales et Humanités

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students may choose courses from the following degrees:

Bachelor Level
Licence Langues étrangères applicées

Licence Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales            

Master Level
Master Arts, lettres et civilisations

Master Langues Étrangères Appliquées (L.E.A.) trilingue traduction, terminologie, documentation (anglais/espagnol)

Phd-students may choose courses from the same degrees (see above). 

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students, in their fact sheet and incoming student guide.


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 2x6 MA, PhD

Erasmus code: G THESSAL01

Partner department: Department of Linguistics, School of Philology

Constraints on course choice:
At least 50% of the ECTS specified in the learning agreement must be acquired in courses by the partner department. The remaining ECTS can be acquired in other departments. If you want to take courses outside your subject area, you have to discuss this in advance with the Erasmus coordinator and relevant professors at the departments in Thessaloniki. There may be restrictions, which may, however, vary from years to year.
Courses are usually held in Greek, but there are also offers in other languages, especially in

  • Foreign Language Faculties
  • Faculty of Law (courses in English, French and German language)
  • School of Journalism & Mass Communication
  • School of Economics

In all other departments/faculties, there are special regulations fo Erasmus+ students so that performance assessments can be taken in English. You can find further information on course selection on the university's webpage.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

University of Ioannina | 1x6 PhD

Erasmus code: G IOANNIN01

Partner department: Department of Philology

Constraints on course choice:
The partner department at the University of Ioannina is subdevided into three sub-departments ("divisions"): Classics, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature and Linguistics. The Department of Philology offers a joint doctoral (PhD) program regardless of the PhD thesis topic (Classics, Medieval-Modern Greek, Linguistics). The PhD course is based on research exclusively, i.e. there are no formal requirements for PhD students to attend any courses (but supervisors can recommend otherwise, even on an informal basis). See information on the website for graduate studies.

If you have questions, you could get in contact with the departmental coordinator, Assist. Prof. Dr. Angela Gioti ( 

You can find further information for exchange students on the university's webpage for exchange students

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: G ATHINE01

Partner department: Faculty of German Language and Literature

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students are supposed to mainly take courses at the Department of German Language and Literature, but can also take one to two courses from other departments. Note, however, that courses are usually held in Greek. There are also courses in other languages (philologies), mainly in

  • Foreign Language Departments
  • School of Law (specialized programs in English, French, German and Italian language)
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Political Science and Political Administration
  • Department of Communication and Media Studies

In all other departments, however, there are special regulations fo Erasmus+ students so that performance assessments can be taken in English. A course especially for Erasmus+ students is Contemporary Greece: History, Arts and Letters.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and their fact sheet.

University of Patras | 1x6 PhD (Linguistics)

Erasmus code: G PATRA01

Partner department: Department of Speech and Language Therapy

Constraints on course choice:
Courses at the University of Patras are taught in Greek and English, a language level of B2 (according to CEFR) in the respective language is therefore expected. Information on accommodation and studying with mental/physical disabilities can be found on the university's webpage.

Further information can be found on the university's webpage for exchange students.

University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Rhodes Island) | 1x5 BA

Erasmus code: G ATHINE41

Partner department: Department of Mediterranean Studies

Constraints on course choice:
This is an offer for students of linguistics or studens who would like to take courses in the area of linguistics. You find further information for exchange students on the webpage of the partner university and their fact sheet. You may find additional information about studying and living at the partner university in the UAegean Brochure and the Practical Guide for Coming to UAegean.

This university is part of the European university network European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), which was granted within the European Universities Initiative by the EU 2020. We expect thrilling teaching and learning projects among the participating universities! You find further information about the network and other mobility options to one of the participating universities on the ERUA webpage of the University of Konstanz.


Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: HU BUDAPES01

Partner department:
Department of English Applied Linguistics
School of English and American Studies

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can also take courses in other departments, but only with approval of the departmental coordinators in Budapest. 
Places in the discipline of FIlm Studies are limited, therefore our students cannot take courses in this discipline. However,  the diswcipline Media and Communication is open to our students. 

ELTE presentation

You can find further information on the webpage for exchange students.

Pannon Egyetem (University of Pannonia, Veszprém) | 2x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: HU VESZPRE01

Partner department:
Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences

Constraints on course choice:
On the website for exchange students you can find an overview of courses taught in English. If you have questions about the study offer, please get in touch directly with the coordinators in the respective department.

You can find further information on the fact sheet and the webpage for exchange students.


Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland, Reykjavík) | 1x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: IS REYKJAV01

Partner department: Department of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students must take courses for 30 ECTS per semester, of which 60 % must be in the major subject. Courses in Icelandic can only be taken if students prove to speak Icelandic fluently. The fact sheet of the university contains much useful information regarding further restrictions:

  • "The faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Sciences are restricted to prior agreements between the exchanging faculties
  • The faculties of Law and Economics do not accept undergraduate students
  •  MBA is closed
  • Courses in the English Language Programme are only available to exchange students majoring in English at their home university or students who are very proficient in English (except the course “English for Practical Purposes”)
  • Courses taught in Icelandic are generally not open to exchange students, (except Nordic students and students who are fluent in Icelandic and can speak, write and understand Icelandic)"

Icelandic, unfortunately, is not taught at the University of Konstanz, but there are online language classes to prepare yourself with respect to your language skills. Icelandic-Online is one of them.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students


University College Cork | 4x9 BA; 2x6 MA (MA students please consult Erasmus+ coordinator)

Erasmus code: IRL CORK01

Partner department:
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MA students please consult the Erasmus+ coordinator of Uni Konstanz)

Semester stays possible: Yes (BA)

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students must take courses from the Book of modules for visiting students. The partnership is with the German Department; nevertheless, interdisciplinary course choices are possible. An explanation of the module codes is found on the webpage for incomings / visiting students.

Further information on the application procedure and language requirements can be found in the university's fact sheet.

University College Dublin | 6x5 BA (Modern Languages/German); 4x5 BA (English, Drama and Film)

Please note: "English" is not part of Modern Languages (these include foreign languages from an irish perspective)

Erasmus code: IRL DUBLIN02

Partner departments:
College of Arts and Humanities, School of  Languages, Cultures and Linguistics,  School of English, Drama and Film

Constraints on course choice:
In principle, students may choose their courses quite liberally, but there are restrictions in individual departments/groups. These and further information are to be learned about in the fact sheet (Module Selection and Registration):
"A list of modules offered in UCD is available at: Modules at UCD are not guaranteed and are subject to capacity, availability and timetabling.
Restrictions apply in some subject areas:
- Health 
- Agricultural Sciences
- Psychology
- Politics and International Relations
- Business
- Law
- English Literature
- Creative Writing
- History
- Master's level classes (level 4)
Students will receive information about modules from their respective college before they arrive. UCD Global does not manage module registration. Students have a two-week period to add or drop modules from the first day of classes."
​​​​​Module Information 2024/25

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Trinity College Dublin | 4x5 BA (Linguistics)

Erasmus code: IRL DUBLIN01

Partner department: School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Science

Constraints on course choice:
At Trinity College Dublin, exchange students can only attend seminars from the partner department. However, attendance at lectures is possible across all subjects.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.


Università degli Studi di Firenze | 2x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: I FIRENZE01

Partner department:
Scuola di Studi Umanistici e della Formazione, Lettere e Filosofia

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
In Florence, there are only a few constraints, studies can be configured very liberally. In some practically oriented study programmes and courses, exchange students cannot be considered:
Vecchio ordinamento (four-year degree courses)
Conoscenza lingua straniera oder Ulteriori conoscenze linguistiche
Idoneità di lingua o idoneità di lingua straniera
Prova finale di laurea
This and further helpful tips are found on the webpage for exchange students and on the partner department's fact sheet.

Università degli Studi di Milano | 4x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: I MILANO01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni 

Constraints on course choice:
Courses can be taken outside the partner department, too. A small guide for international students is provided on the webpage for exchange students. At this university, there is also a course catalogue in which to look for individual courses.

You can find further information on the university's fact sheet.

Università degli Studi di Pavia | 3x5 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: I PAVIA01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students are assigned to the partner department and supposed to take the majority of their courses there, but taking courses outside this area is possible, especially if you study two subjects in Konstanz and have discussed this in advance.

You can find further information on the university's fact sheet and webpage for exchange students.

Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: I ROMA01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Studi Europei Americani e Interculturali   at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia.

Constraints on course choice:
At least 12 ECTS points have to be taken in the partner department . The International student guide  on the webpage for exchange students contains useful information.

Università di Trento | 1x5 BA (Slavic Literatures/Linguistics)

Erasmus code: I  TRENTO01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia

Proof of sufficient language skills:
The minimum recommended language level in Russian is A2. You find further information on their language requirements  for English and Italian on the university’s webpage.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students , in their Guide for International Students and in their fact sheet.

Università degli Studi di Trieste | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: I TRIESTE01

Partner department:
Dipartimento di Scienze Giurdiche, del Linguaggio, dell' Interpretazione e della Traduzione

Proof of sufficient language skills:
To take courses in Russian, students at BA level need a B1 language level and students at MA level a B2 language level.

Constraints on course choice:
BA students cannot take MA courses. For MA students, there are no restrictions. In Trieste, there is a course catalogue in which you can peruse the course programme sorted by departmental sections. Approximately 50% of the courses should be taken in the partner subject area, the rest can be taken freely.

The academic year in the partner subject area is not divided into semesters, so courses can take place either over an entire academic year or only for a "semester" (approx. 4 months). The exact dates of the individual courses are announced shortly before the start of the semester, usually in September. For planning purposes, you can use the courses of the previous year as a guide.

Due to the extensive range of language practice and linguistics courses in the field of Russian as well as the geographical proximity to the neighbouring countries Slovenia and Croatia, the university is ideally suited for students of Slavic studies.

You can find further information in the university's fact sheet and their webpage for exchange students.

Università degli Studi di Udine | 4x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: I UDINE01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere

Constraints on course choice:
In principle, there are no restrictions, but you should take at least one course at the partner department (German or Italian studies). Much information on practical questions is found on the webpages for exchange students, an overview of courses in the brochures of study programmes via the tab Didattica on the front page.

You can find more information about living and studying in Udine in this video.

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | 1x9 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: I VENEZIA01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Compara

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students can configure their studies quite liberally, but, of course, must be careful to choose courses that correspond to their study level (BA/MA) and also, roughly, their study year (from the third study year if you already completed the second study year at your home university). BA students may not take MA courses, MA students, on the other hand, may take BA courses. Further restrictions are explained in the guideline for the course catalogue. All the courses offered by the university can be found in the course catalogue and a list of all the degree courses offered in English. Students can also select courses offered by the Venice International University - VIU: each course is taught in English and provides  6 ECTS.

The university requires a B2 level of English or Italian. For more details please visit the webpage for language requirements. Free Italian language courses are available.

There is also a short guide to the academic calendar.

You can find further information on the webpage for incoming students and the university's fact sheet.

Università degli Studi di Verona | 2x5 BA, MA, PhD; 5x12 MA (Double Degree MA Linguistics)

Erasmus code: I  VERONA01

Partner department: Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (2 places)

Dipartimento Culture e Civilità (5 places, students studying Double Degree MA Linguistics

Constraints on course choice:
After consulting the coordinators on site, exchange students may study outside the contracted Erasmus discipline, too. However, the main focus of the course choices should be on the partner department.

You can find further information and the university's fact sheet on their webpage for exchange students.


Vilniaus universitetas | 1x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: LT VILNIUS01

Partner department: Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Philology

Constraints on course choice:
Taking courses is not only possible outside the partner department, but also outside Vilnius University:
"Exchange students are welcome to choose also the courses at partner institutions of Vilnius University:
Courses at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Courses at Vilnius Academy of  Arts
When choosing the courses at partner institutions make sure that their descriptions are available. Vilnius University is not able to provide them. Please note that the credits and grades you will get at partner institutions will be included in VU Transcript of Academic Records."
(see the webpage on courses offered in foreign languages)
After nomination, you are obliged to contact the Erasmus coordinators of the partner department about the courses offered in order to make a learning agreement (it certainly makes sense to do so before).

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet


Université du Luxembourg | 3x6 MA

Erasmus code: LUX LUX-VIL01

Partner department: Faculté des Lettres

Constraints on course choice:
The majority of courses in Luxembourg must be taken at the partner department. Within the partner department / the Faculté des Lettres, the partner study programme is the Master in Learning and Communication in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts. The University of Luxembourg is therefore a good choice for students of the MA Multilingualism at the Department of Linguistics. It can also be interesting for other students of the philologies because you can take not only courses from the partner study programme, but the study programmes of the entire faculty, as long as the mandatory prerequisites (e.g. prior knowledge) are met.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.


Università Tà Malta | 3x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: MT MALTA01

Partner department: Department of English

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints in course choice:
Exchange students must take courses in the catalogue for visiting students from the area of English (Department of English). On site, students could often take courses at other departments, but your planning should not rely on this to work out.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.


Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | 1x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: NL NIJMEGE01

Partner department: Faculty of Arts

Constraints on course choice:
Please mind the following regulations on taking courses and the level of language proficiency to be proven, to find on the information pages of the Faculty of Arts:

"Selecting courses
As an exchange student at the Faculty of Arts, you are free to select courses in all our departments. When selecting courses, please keep the following things in mind:

  • Choose courses from the overview of exchange courses at the Faculty of Arts
  • A regular workload is 30 ECTS per semester
  • You need C1 level of English to be eligible for courses at our department of English and American Studies
  • You can only participate in Master’s courses if you have your full Bachelor’s degree (please provide us with this document when applying)
  • You must meet the prerequisites of the course
  • You can select a maximum of two courses at other faculties

International Office Arts will assess your Learning Agreement and after (partly) approval you are allowed to register for the approved courses. The rejected courses need to be replaced."

You find further infortmation on the webpage for exchange students in the Faculty of Arts, on the university's webpage for exchange students and in the fact sheet


Universitetet i Bergen | 1x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: N BERGEN01

Partner department: Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies

Semester stays possible: Yes

Proof of sufficient language skills:
In general, no language certificate is required, but a minimum level of B2 CEFR in English is expected. However, students who wish to attend courses in English Language and Literature must provide proof of a minimum level of C1 CEFR.

Constraints on course choice:
Usually, there are no restrictions as long as the necessary requirements for courses are met and there are enough free spaces. Taking courses outside your subject area is possible, with the following exceptions:

  • "Medicine, Dentistry, Fine Art, Design, Music and Performance/Composition
  • Fine Art, Music and Design
    Most of the courses in these subject areas are not advertised in the course list. Read more about what our departments offer and contact the exchange coordinator at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design if needed.
    These courses are only for students nominated on an exchange agreement in the subject areas Fine Art, Music and Design.
  • Courses taught in Norwegian
    You can apply for courses taught in Norwegian if you are proficient in one of the Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Swedish or Danish)."

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students, their FAQ list and their fact sheet.

Universitetet i Oslo | 2x10 BA; 2x10 MA

Erasmus code: N OSLO01

Partner department: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose courses fairly liberally, and in different faculties, too, with the exception of courses at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and some departments of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Courses at MA level can only be taken by MA students.
To take courses taught in Norwegian, your language proficiency must be at level B2 (CEFR).
Much useful information is provided on the webpage for exchange students and the university's fact sheet.

NTNU Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim) | 2x6 MA

Erasmus code: N TRONDH01

Partner department: Department of Language and Literature

Constraints on course choice:
The places at this university are intended for students of linguistics. The MA level features a solid offer of courses in English and thrilling courses on phonetics. If you can verify that you have the necessary background knowledge, you can take courses in other departments fairly liberally. Note that faculties are located in different municipalities (and you cannot study in several cities or towns). This is summarized on the webpage for incomings:
"All students must fulfill the recommended/required previous knowledge for the courses that they wish to take. Please read the course descriptions carefully to make sure that you fulfill the recommended/required requirements. Students not fulfilling the requirements may be denied admission. Second degree level courses are usually only available to master’s level students.
Note that you can only select courses in one city."
The most important information about the university is found in their fact sheet.

Advice by a returner (of the year 2020/21):
Due to the housing shortage and tense situation in the fall semester, excessive prices are often charged for private accommodation. During the spring semester, the housing market relaxes because fewer exchange students are present altogether. If you can arrange it, a stay in the spring semester is recommended.

Norges arktiske universitet (Tromsø) | 2x5 BA, MA, PhD (General Linguistics); 2x5 MA (Multilingualism); 2x5 MA (English Literature)

Erasmus code: N TROMSO01

Partner department: Department of Language and Culture

Constraints on course choice:
The places in General Linguistics are open to all students of Literature and Linguistics. Of the MA places in Linguistics/Literature, two places each are intended for MA students of Literature (2x5) and of the MA Multilingualism (2x5). Courses at the BA level are not in all study programmes offered in English. Mind the particulars on languages of instruction and on how to choose courses as an inbound student on the information pages of the University of Tromsø. You must select most of your courses within your subject field at your home university and from your host Erasmus+ Department at UiT.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Universitetet i Agder (Kristiansand) | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: N KRISTIA01

Partner department: Faculty of Humanities and Education

Constraints on course choice:
You find the overview of courses for exchange students at the partner faculty on the webpage of the University of Agder, a university-wide overview is there as well. Exchange students may take all courses open to them if they meet the necessary requirements. However, note that courses may only be taken at faculties located on the same campus.

You find further information and the fact sheet on the university's webpage for exchange student.


Universytet Jagielloński w Krakowie (Kraków) | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD (German Literature and Linguistics); 2x5 MA (MA Global European Studies)

Erasmus code: PL KRAKOW01

Partner department: Institute of Germanic Philology (2 Places, at least 1 course must be taken at this institute);
Institute of European Studies (2 places, especially (but not only) aimed at students of the MA Global European Studies, as the MA European Studies programme is offered therein)

Semester stays possible: Yes (for German Literature and Linguistics)

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose from a broad selection of courses in English or other foreign languages independently from study programmes. If you have a level of language proficiency of at least B2 (CEFR) in Polish, you can take courses in Polish, if the lecturers or department/faculty coordinators agree. Exchange students must take at least one course at the partner department. Further information on course selection and language requirements can be found on the webpage for exchange students.

For more information, as well as the university's fact sheet, please visit the university's Erasmus+ webpage for Incoming Students.

Uniwersytet Warszawski (Warsaw) | 3x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: PL WARSZAW01

Partner department: Instytut Germanistyki

Constraints on course choice:
At least one course must be taken at the partner department / partner institute. Usually, however, exchange students can take courses at every department, but there are restrictions in the areas of English studies, political sciences and law, so that you are obliged to obtain the consent of the departmental Eramus coordinators for the courses you favor. Early contacting the Erasmus coordinators of the partner department is strongly recommended. Courses by the different departments are found in the course catalogue and the directory of the USOS web system. You find further information on the university's webpage for Erasmus & Exchange students, their webpage for Incoming students and in their fact sheet.

Impressions and tips on experiencing the city of Warsaw


Universidade do Minho (Braga) | 2x5 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: P BRAGA01

Partner department Departamento de estudos Germanísticos e Eslavos (DEGE)

Constraints on course choice:
The course choice is not restricted to the partner department, but students can also choose courses in other philological subject areas, as well as in the subject area Arts & Humanities in general. Relevant degree programmes are:

BA Cultural Studies , BA EuropeanLanguages and Literature, BA Applied Languages,

MA German-Portuguese Studies, MA in Linguistics, MA in Lexicography

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students, a Presentation of Braga and the UM (PPTX) and their Video about UM.

Universidade do Porto | 3x6 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: P PORTO02

Partner department: Faculdade de Letras

Constraints on course choice:
The majority of courses is taught in Portuguese, the offer of courses in English (in the humanities) is small. Portuguese skills are recommended. At the beginning of semesters (September/February), an intensive language class is offered. You find further information about language requirements on the webpage.
In Porto, exchange students at BA level may in principle take courses from all study programmes, except in the area of Communication and Media Studies. In order to prevent overlaps, you should take courses from at most three different study programmes. Besides, there are course formats that exchange students cannot register for:
- dissertation
- project
- supervision seminar
- training report
- internship
Information for exchange students is found on the webpage and in the university's fact sheet.


Universitatea din București (Bucharest) | 1x6 BA, MA

Erasmus code: RO BUCURE09

Partner department: Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature

Constraints on course choice:
No restrictions are found in the students’ guide. The majority of courses must presumably be taken at the partner faculty / partner department. The BA study programme of our partner department will provide further information for BA students. If you are interested in a stay, please contact the Erasmus coordinator in Konstanz so that it can be determined together with the colleagues in Bucharest whether a sensible study plan can be realised.

Please note that the language of instruction for BA courses in the first semesters is Romanian, but advanced BA courses are taught in the respective philology.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Universitatea "A. I. Cuza" din Iași (Iași) | 1x5 BA (Linguistics); 1x10 MA (Literary Studies)

Erasmus code: RO IASI02

Partner department: Faculty of Letters

Semester stays possible: Yes (Literary Studies)

Constraints on course choice:
At the partner departments, courses can be taken liberally, outside of the philologies, however, the language of instruction is usually Rumanian. Only from the MA level on do the departments offer a broader selection of courses in foreign languages. There is an overview of the study programmes in foreign languages, which provides a first orientation. Helpful, too, are the

  • information for Erasmus students of the UAIC (International Office), you can also find the university's fact sheet there.
  • list of UAIC Erasmus coordinators, on questions concerning the study programmes and courses for exchange students.

FILIT – International Festival of Literature and Translation Iasi
The FILIT is an international festival on literature and translation, which the Museum of Literature organises in Iasi every year. UAIC has always been a partner of this festival and many events take place in the premises of UAIC. In 2014 for instance, David Lodge was the invited writer of the festival. In the words of Ms. Dana Badulescu, Associate Professor PhD at the Department of English Literature, former Erasmus coordinator of the Faculty of Letters: "It's not every day or any place that you can rub shoulders with contemporary writers coming to Iasi from practically all the continents!"


Universidad de Alcalá (Henares) | 3x10 BA, MA (open to all students of the philologies); 2x10 BA (LKM)

Erasmus code: E ALCAL-H01

Partner department:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (all philologies)
Comunicación Audiovisual (LKM)

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students are supposed to mostly take courses in their partner department and must pay special attention to fulfilling the language requirements. These are fairly demanding in some areas (C1 of the CEFR). Taking specific courses at other departments was in the past possible in agreement with the Erasmus coordinators in Alcalá.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 1x5 BA (Catalan); 3x5 BA (Spanish)

Erasmus code: E BARCELO02

Partner department:
Departament de Filologia Catalana, Departamento de Filología Española

Constraints on course choice:
At least 50% of courses must be taken at the partner faculty. If you want to take courses at other faculties/schools, this must be discussed.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Universidad de Cádiz | 6x5 BA

Erasmus code: E CADIZ01

Partner department: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.  

Constraints on course choice:
Within the partner faculty, students can choose courses relatively liberally. However, as this is a partnership with the local linguists, at least one course in linguistics should be taken. Please also pay attention to whether a course is intended for the first or second semester when planning your programme. In theory, courses can be taken at two campuses, but this would have to be planned in a way that it never happens in one day because travelling may take several hours.

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Universidad de Córdoba | 2x10 BA

Erasmus code: E CORDOBA01

Partner department: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
At the Universidad de Córdoba, students exchanged via our agreement may take courses at all departments of the partner faculty. Thus, e.g. the departmental section Art History is unproblematically accessible. 30% of the courses taken also can be chosen outside the partner faculty.

You can find further information the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Universidad de Granada | 2x9 BA

Erasmus code: E GRANADA01

Partner department: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
In consultation with the Erasmus coordinators, it is also possible to take courses outside the partner faculty.

Further information can be found on the webpage for exchange students.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 2x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: E MADRID03

Partner department: Facultad de Filología

Semester stays possible: Yes

Proof of sufficient language skills:
Most courses at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid are taught in Spanish, so sufficient knowledge of Spanish is a prerequisite for studying here. The required language level depends on the respective department and degree programme. The minimum language level that students must demonstrate is B1 (according to the CEFR), although at least B2 is recommended in the humanities. Master's and PhD students must demonstrate a C1 level. A proof of language proficiency is required. The university also offers free Spanish courses up to B2 level in September and February, but these do not count as proof.

Constraints on course choice:
Bachelor and Master’s students will be registered in their host faculty at UCM (main faculty) and will be able to take at most two courses at another faculty. However, these two courses must be offered in the same faculty and may not come from two different faculties.

For admission as exchange student on BA-level, the minimum language level in Spanish  is B1 (CEFR), however, we strongly advise students of the Arts and Humanities to have at least a B2 level. Only then will students be able to read materials, take notes and take part in discussions (take exams and essays) in their host departments. MA and PhD-students have to have a C1 level of Spanish in order to be accepted.

Further information can be found on the partner department's webpage for exchange students, the university's webpage for exchange students and in the institutional fact sheet.

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | 2x5 BA (LKM)

Erasmus code: E MADRID14

Partner department: Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación (School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science)

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students must choose courses from the partner department's programme. Please note the exact semester dates, some resitting exams at the end of the academic year take place AFTER the official end of the semester. A Course Offer Guide and other important information can be found on the webpage for exchange students and in the university's fact sheet.

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Vitoria Gasteiz) | 3x10 BA (all philologies); 2x6 MA (basque linguistics and philologie); 2x6 MA, PhD (Linguistics)

Erasmus code: E BILBAO01

Partner department:
Facultad de Letras (all philologies)
 Master and Doctoral School Doctoral Programme in Linguistics (linguistics)
Máster en Lingüística y Filología Vascas (basque linguistics and philologie)

Semester stays possible: Yes (BA)

Constraints on course choice:
Places at the University of the Basque Country have been arranged through the Facultad de Letras at the Faculty of Arts. Bachelor students may choose courses from the various degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts and may also take courses from other faculties, but at least 50% of the courses must be taken at the Faculty of Arts. It is not possible to take Bachelor and Master level courses at the same time.

For Master students, the Master’s Degree in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics is open. In addition, students may take 1-2 courses in the Master’s Degree in Language Aquisition in Multilingual Settings (LAMS) or the Master’s Degree in Literatura Comparada y Estudios Literarios. However, the approval of the Master programme's coordinator must be obtained for this. This is done after students have submitted the Learning Agreement - contacting them in advance with a cover letter and a reason why you would like to take certain seminars is certainly helpful here.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Universitat Rovira i Virgili | 4x5 BA (Spanish); 4x5 BA (English)

Erasmus code: E TARRAGO01

With this university we actually signed two agreements in two departments of the Faculty of Arts (Facultat de Letras).

Partner department:
Departament de Filologies Romàniques (Spanish)
Departament d'Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys (English)

For students with a combination of subjects (majors/minors) English/American language/literature and Spanish language and literature (or B.Ed./M.Ed. student with the two majors English and Spanish) Tarragona is a good choice for a stay abroad. Students wanting (or needing) to follow courses in other philological disciplines should rather choose different universities to apply for (as there are no other philological degrees on offer).

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students must choose courses from the partner department (but may take courses from both partner departments). Please note that the faculties and schools adapt the general academic calendar according to their particular requirements. The Language Service offers interesting opportunities for international students to improve their language skills (e.g. Catalan language courses are offered).

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet

Universitat de València | 2x10 BA (LKM); 2x10 BA (Modern Languages)

Erasmus code: E VALENCI01

Partner department:
Departament de Teoria dels Llenguatges i Ciències de la Comunicació

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Students are enrolled in one of the following degree programmes: Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual (LKM), Grau en Llengües Modernes i les seues Literatures (other students). However, course selection is possible in the entire range of courses offered by the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació. However, at least 50% of the courses must be taken in the above-mentioned partner department.

Further information for exchange students can be found on the partner university's website and in their fact sheet.

Universidad de Valladolid | 1x10 BA

Erasmus code: E VALLADO01

Partner department:
Departamento Filología Francesa y Alemana, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose their courses from the entire range of courses offered by the "Facultad de Filosofía y Letras". Courses in other faculties can be taken after prior consultation with the coordinators in Valladolid.

You can find more information about the contact persons and application formalities on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet. Please note that your Learning Agreement must already be available at the time of nomination at the university in April.

Universidade de Vigo | 3x10 BA

Erasmus code: E VIGO01

Partner department: Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Courses must mainly be taken in the partner department, which is also mentioned in the reference letter (letter of admission). However, as long as the times of the courses are compatible and they take place on the same campus, courses from other areas can also be chosen. Further information can be found on the university's website for incoming students.


Stockholm University | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: S STOCKHO01

Partner department: Department of Linguistics

Constraints on course choice: 
The exchange agreement only applies to the Department of Linguistics, courses can only be taken there and in the courses open to all exchange students. Courses in English are only offered in the autumn semester and only at MA level. Advanced BA linguistics students can theoretically be admitted to these courses. Interested BA level students must therefore consult us in advance.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students.

Switzerland – Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP)

Universität Bern | 2x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: CH BERN01

Partner department: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft at the Faculty of Humanities

Constraints on course choice:
Incoming students have a high degree of flexibility in their choice of courses, as basically the entire range of courses offered by the University of Bern is  open to them. This means that students who come to Bern via the linguistics agreement can also take courses from other departments. This is not limited to the Faculty of Philosophy and History, but applies in principle to the entire range of courses (with the exception of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine). This is, of course, subject to the admission requirements of the respective course, e.g. if special prior knowledge is required for a particular course or the number of participants has to be limited. The booklet "Information for Exchange Students" contains a lot of useful information.

Link to the course catalogue of the University of Bern.

You find information on contact persons and application on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Université de Lausanne | 1x10 BA, MA, PhD

Erasmus code: CH LAUSANN01

Partner department: Faculté des lettres

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Courses cannot be taken in the following departments / departmental sections:

  • courses in the School of Criminal Justice
  • Master in Medical Biology
  • Master in Accounting, Control und Finance
  • Continuing Education programmes (MBA, EMBA, Master of Advanced Studies, etc.)

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet.

Université de Neuchâtel | 2x10 BA, MA

Erasmus code: CH NEUCHAT01

Partner department: Faculté de lettres et sciences humaines

Semester stays possible: Yes

Proof of sufficient language skills:
The Université de Neuchâtel requires proof of a B2 CEFR language level in the language of instruction (test, online test, certificate from a certified language centre). Information on the language of instruction and the required language certificate can be found on the university's webpage. Most of the courses at the university are taught in French, but the courses in the Institutes of Linguistics and Literature are taught in their respective languages (e.g. the partner institute Institut de langues et littérature allemandes has a BA programme in Germanistique, which is taught entirely in German). The university also offers courses taught in English, especially for Master's students.

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students must provide evidence of at least 20 ECTS per semester; if you would like to apply for a SEMP scholarship, you must provide evidence of 30 ECTS per semester. In addition to courses from the partner institute Institut de langues et littérature allemandes, you can also choose courses from the other institutes where littérature et langues is taught. This concerns:

  • l'Institut de langue et littérature allemandes/anglaises/hispaniques
  • L'institut de littérature française
  • L'Institut de langue et civilisation françaises
  • L'Institut des sciences du langage
  • L'Institut des sciences de la communication et de la cognition.

You find information on contact persons and application formalities on the university's webpage for exchange students, in their fact sheet and handbook for exchange students.

SEMP (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) Grant:
As Switzerland is not part of the EU, exchange students are not entitled to an Erasmus+ mobility grant. However, students have the opportunity to apply for a SEMP scholarship, which is paid out by the Swiss host university. For this purpose, students must provide proof of competence in the language of instruction (B2 CEFR) at the time of application at the host university by means of a test result or an official certificate from a certified language centre. In addition, they must follow the equivalent of 30 ECTS during the semester and take all exams. The scholarship is only awarded for one semester and Master's and Bachelor's students in higher semesters have priority.


Middle East Technical University (Ankara) | 3x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: TR ANKARA04

Partner department: Department of Foreign Language Education

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can choose courses across departments and study levels (BA/MA/PhD), as long as the lecturers if the courses agree (they might ask for a Transcript of Records of the home institution). The following courses are not open to exchange students:
- courses that are taught on the Northern Cyprus Campus
- courses belonging to evening programmes
- courses in international Joint Degree study programmes

METU presentation

You can find further information in the university's fact sheet and on their webpage for exchange students

Bogaziçi University (Istanbul) | 3x5 BA, MA, PhD (Literary Studies, LKM); 4x5 BA, MA, PhD (Linguistics)

Erasmus code: TR ISTANBU01

Partner department:
Department of Western Languages and Literatures (Literary Studies/LKM)
Department of Linguistics (Linguistics)

Constraints on course choice:
Students have to choose at least two courses in the partner department. The other courses can also be chosen in other departments, as long as they fulfil the mandatory prerequisites (e.g. prior knowledge) of the courses. Courses beginning with the following coufse codes are not open to exchange students: ASIA-ASIL, EF, ADEX, MIR, INCT, und BIS (see course overview).

You can find further information on the webpage for exchange students of the university and in their fact sheet.

Yeditepe University (Istanbul) | 3x5 BA, MA

Erasmus code: TR ISTANBU01

Partner department:
Visual Communication and Design Department
Faculty of Communication

Places at this university are reserved for students of the degree "Literature-Art-Media".

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students have to take at least 60 % of their courses in the partner department, 40 % can be chosen in other departments. For example: With a study programme of 30 ECTS (5 courses for 6 ECTS each) a minimum of 3 courses have to be chosen within the partner department. 

Cou can find further information on the fact sheet and the webseite for exchange students of the university. 

United Kingdom

University of Birmingham | 1x3 BA

Erasmus code: UK BIRMING02

Partner department: College of Arts and Law

Proof of sufficient language skills:
The University of Birmingham requires its exchange students to provide proof of a B2 CEFR language level (10 points in the Abitur certificate in English or a test from our Language Institute is sufficient proof).

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students must take 30 ECTS per semester (60 UoB credits). The university is structered around five Colleges, four of which are open to Exchange students (College of Medical and Dental Sciences is excluded). Students need to select their host school and preffered college, which is relevant to their study plan. At least 40 UoB credits per semester should be selected within the preferred College but can be in multiple Schools within that College.
The four Colleges that are open to Exchange students are:
- College of Arts and Law 
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences 
- College of Social Sciences 
- College of Life and Environmental Sciences 
The university also has an independent school - Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences. More information regarding the modules and pre-requisites can be found on the university's webpage. 

You find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students and in their fact sheet

University of Cambridge | 1x9 BA

Erasmus code: UK CAMBRID01

Partner department:
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Faculty of English

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students have to choose one of the two partner faculties (MML or English Literature). it is not possible to take courses in both faculties. You can find further helpful information in the Cambridge Incoming Student Fact Sheet.

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages
Please note the Guidelines for Incoming Erasmus students of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages:
"Erasmus students who come to Cambridge as participants in exchanges initiated by MML will be expected to attend courses selected from those offered in MML and Linguistics, including some taught in other faculties but available to MML students."
MML students may select a maximum of one course from those offered in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Classics, and History, and a maximum of two courses in Linguistics.

Faculty of English
Please note that the admission as an exchange student in the Faculty of English is a case-by-case decision and based on your application (prior knowledge, academic performance, language competencies etc.). A nomination in Konstanz doesn't automatically gurantee admission in Cambridge.
You can only choose courses on BA level:
"Courses in English Literature are available at the undergraduate level only. Students are accepted by the Department of English on a case by case basis, and must have a year’s previous University level study in English literature."

You can find further information on the website for exchange students.

Prifysgol Caerdydd (University of Cardiff) | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: UK CARDIFF01

Partner department: School of Modern Languages

Constraints on course choice:
Two thirds of the courses must be chosen from the list of modules provided by the School of Modern Languages. This means 2 out of 3 courses, as a one-semester course is usually rewarded with 10 ECTS credits. A further course can then be taken in another area, depending on capacity. Some departments/groups only admit students who study their subject as a major. In order to avoid overlaps, courses should be choosen from one school and, if possible, from one academic year (of the programmes offered there).

This year Cardiff was ranked 1st in the 2022 NatWest Student Living Index meaning it is the most cost-effective city for UK students, and the most affordable. 

Students who spend the whole academic year 23/24 in Cardiff can apply for the Taith-programme to receive a top-up scholarship of £850 from the host university.

You can find further information on the university's webpage for exchange students, their fact sheet and the webpage for exchange students from the School of Modern Languages

University of Durham | 2x9 BA

Erasmus code: UK DURHAM01

Partner department: Modern Languages and Cultures (German)

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can take courses in up to three departments, but the majority of courses should be taken in the partner department. You can find a very good explanation on the course choice on the website for exchange students. On this site the module books for each department/departmental section are linked:

"Number of modules
Full time students would usually take 6 modules across the academic year.
Students who are registered as UG (Bachelor) level students at the time of their exchange should request to study UG level modules only. If there is a specific need to take Master level modules, please discuss this prior to submitting an application.
Students who are registered as PG (Master) level students at the time of their exchange should request to study PG (Master) modules only wherever possible. We may be able to approve some modules at UG (Bachelor) level but we cannot guarantee this. If you are registered for both UG and PG modules, you should be aware that confirmation of marks for PG modules does not happen until October of each year.

Number of credits
A full time course load would be 120 UK credits (60 ECTS).

Students may choose modules from up to 3 departments.
The majority of modules should be taken within the department with whom the Erasmus agreement is signed.

The department of English Studies is limited and therefore unless your home university has an active Erasmus agreement with the English Studies department it is unlikely that you will be approved to take classes."

You can find further information on the university's fact sheet and webpage for exchange students

University of Essex (Colchester) | 2x3 BA, MA

Erasmus code: UK COLCHES01

Partner department:
Department of Languages and Linguistics
Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies

Constraints on course choice:
Essex is similiar to Konstanz in many ways. The universities are approximatly the same age and have a similiar departmental structure. The following rules apply to the couse choice of exchange students:
"We're flexible at Essex. You're not restricted to study within one department, you can explore new areas of study across multiple departments and build your own academic programme.
Please note that if you visit us under the Erasmus+ programme, you must be studying in the academic discipline in which the Erasmus+ agreement is held."
This means that you should primarily study within your partner department, but you can also try to get a place in courses in other departments.

You find further information in the university's fact sheet, in their presentation for incoming exchange student and in their flyer for exchange students.

Royal Holloway (University of London) | 3x10 BA

Erasmus code: UK LONDON097

Partner department: Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students can take courses in up to three departments. However, they should primarily take courses in their partner department. In the following departments it is impossible (or very unlikely) to get a place in courses: 
– English Department (high demand)
– Media Arts Department (high demand)
– History Department
– Politics and International Relations Department
– Drama Department

Further information on the course selection for exchange students can be found on the university's webpage.

Postcard of the Royal Holloway College.

You can find further information on the webpage for Erasmus+ students of the RHCL.

University of Sheffield | 2x5 BA

Erasmus code: UK SHEFFIE01

Partner department: School of Languages and CulturesSchool of English

Proof of sufficient language skills:
The University of Sheffield accepts a language test from the Language Teaching Institute of the University of Konstanz as proof of language proficiency from exchange students of the University of Konstanz.

Constraints on course choice:
Courses from all departments can be taken as long as the necessary course requirements are met. However, certain areas (e.g. English Modules) are in high demand and it is then necessary to switch to other areas. Therefore, you shouldn't plan your entire schedule with courses in the School of English, but can (and explicitly should) take courses in other subject areas as well. This partnership is therefore especially suitable if you would also like to take courses for your second major or your minor subject.

Further information can be found on the University's webpage and in their fact sheet.

University of Sussex (Brighton) | 2x10 BA

Erasmus code: UK BRIGHTO01

Partner department: Modern languages

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraint on course choice:
You can take courses across departments as long as you fulfil the mandatory prerequisites, there are no timetable conflicts and the academic coordinator agrees. 

You can find further information on the website for exchange students and in the fact sheet.

University of Warwick | 5x9 BA

Erasmus code: UK COVENTR01

Partner department: School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Semester stays possible: Yes

Constraints on course choice:
Exchange students in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures should take the majority of their courses in the disciplines French, Italian, German, Hispanic Studies or can take cross school-modules. The latter cover topics in literary theory, politics and history. You can also take courses in the Language Centre. An overview of courses that are open to Erasmus students is available on the website. 
Depending on the availability of free places you can also take courses in the Faculty of Arts. Please note that as a general rule you can take a maximum of 30 CATS (15 ECTS) in the Department of English/Comparative Literature, regardless of the availabilty of free places. Usually you can take one course outside of the Faculty of Arts as long as there are places available.

Further information is available on the website for exchange students, the university's application instruction guide and their fact sheet.

Prifysgol Aberystwyth (Aberystwyth University) | 1x5 BA

Erasmus code: UK ABERYST01

Partner department: Not a single department, but multiple ones: 

Constraints on course choice: 
Studying across disiplines within the humanities is possible, since all of the above mentioned departments are open to our students. 

Further information is available on the website of the partner university and in their fact sheet.