Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news

Messengers with responsibility

The ERC Grant “Proof of Concept” supports the Konstanz cultural studies researcher Professor Kirsten Mahlke in developing a blended learning tool for police cadets with the objective to train future officers to deliver death notifications responsibly.

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Asylum: Centrally managed – federally interpreted

Researchers at the University of Konstanz have conducted the first systematic study on the way in which the German Federal Agency of Migration and Refugees grants the refugee status to asylum seekers.

Economics in the laboratory

The Konstanz economist Professor Urs Fischbacher is the winner of the Joachim Herz Wirtschaftspreis (Joachim Herz prize in economics)

Studierende aus der Vogelperspektive

The power of the unspoken

The “Foyer Forschung” lecture series organised by the University of Konstanz’s Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Social Integration” discusses taboos and the rules governing them