Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

Current news



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Inequality and the coronavirus

Doesn’t the coronavirus pandemic make us all equal? Where will society stand after the crisis? What can the welfare state do, and will the population’s trust remain unchanged? Professor Marius R. Busemeyer, inequality researcher at the University of Konstanz, answers these questions in an interview.

Conspiracy theories in conjunction with Covid-19.

Interview with expert Andreas Jungherr in text and video form: What role do disinformation and misinformation as well as conspiracy theories play in our dealings with the virus? How dangerous are they and how do they spread via social media? What can science, what can legislation do to counter fake news in times of Covid-19?

The effects of remote work

Organizational researchers at the University of Konstanz study how the way we work is changing as a result of working from home because of the Covid 19 epidemic.

Das Coronavirus und die EU

Welche Rolle hat die Europäische Union (EU) bislang in der Corona-Krise gespielt? Welche Rolle kann sie spielen? Und wie wirkt sich die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus auf die innereuropäischen und internationalen Beziehungen der EU aus?

Locust outbreak in Kenya: Interview with Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs

Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs from the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour" at the University of Konstanz has just returned from the locust outbreak in Kenya where her team of researchers are doing something rarely done with natural plagues: basic scientific research. She describes what her team saw, what they are doing, and her hopes for how science can contribute to controlling outbreaks. Read the interview with her in our online magazine "".

A potential new pathway linking stress to heart disease

While decades of research have finally confirmed that stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, understanding the physiological mechanisms of how this occurs is far from being a closed case: Now, Konstanz scientists from the Department of Psychology and the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour" have uncovered a potential new pathway linking stress to cardiovascular disease on the basis of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System (RAAS).

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“Equal Pay Day”: Inequality in the Labour Market

17 March is ‘Equal Pay Day’: By that date, 21 percent of the year is over, exactly the 21 percent that women in Germany on average earn less than men. This means that a given ‘average woman’ would work for free up until this date if she received a man’s average salary for the rest of the year. On this occasion, we talk to Susanne Strauß, professor of sociology and a specialist in gender studies.