Transfer Award 2019 selection

The Transfer Award 2019 honours a tandem project for trainees as well as the transfer of scientific approaches in the field of neuro-rehabilitation.

The University of Konstanz Society (UGK) and the University of Konstanz present the 2019 Transfer Award to projects that successfully connect science with society. During the university’s Dies academicus on 18 October 2019, the prize will be awarded for the second time. This year, two projects were chosen, one from the field of economics and business education, the other from the area of psychology. In Dr Elisabeth Maué’s project “TASK - Tandems between apprentices/trainees and students in the district of Konstanz”, students of economics and business education support apprentices and trainees. Dr Jennifer Randerath and her junior research group are working in close collaboration with practicians to investigate neuro-psychological limitations patients experience in everyday activities after suffering a stroke. They also develop relevant approaches at the university to be implemented bit by bit in neuro-rehabilitation treatments. The award is endowed with 3,000 euros.