Blick auf die Universität Konstanz aus der Luft
Luftaufnahme der Universität Konstanz. Das blaue Gebäude in der Mitte ist das Gebäude A (Haupteingang/Foyer). Im gelben Gebäude (Gebäude K) ist die Mensa untergebracht. Rechts der Stadtteil Egg mit den Sportanlagen der Universität und dem Bodensee im Hintergrund.

Travel to the university

Up the hill. Above the lake.


University of Konstanz
Universitaetsstrasse 10
78464 Konstanz

The conference takes place in the building A. The conference office is located in building A, level 5 (foyer).

Bus der Stadtwerke Konstanz, Bild: Stadtwerke Konstanz

Travel by bus

You can travel to the University of Konstanz using the city bus numbers 4, 9A, 9B, 9C or 11. Bus schedules are available for download (in German) from the Stadtwerke Konstanz.

By car – parking

Once in Konstanz, follow the signs for “Universität”.  We recommend you park your car in the Parkhaus Süd parking garage (see campus map). From there, you find signs to the conference location.

The parking fee is 1.30 euros per day. You can pay cash (coins only, no change) or via text message. Simply send a text message containing your licence plate number to +49 83115. You receive a text confirming that you have paid your parking fee.

Travel by ferry

From Meersburg, take the vehicle ferry to Konstanz. By bus (line 1, bus stop is at the harbour) to the "Tannenhof" bus stop. Transfer to bus line 9B (bus stop is on the other side of the street).

Travel by Taxi

Find your taxi in this list of taxi companies.