Is your data stored in ZEuS no longer up to date? We are happy to change it!

Whether after a move, naturalisation, a change of first name/last name, a different gender affiliation or a change of elective subject, etc.

Please inform the Student Service Centre (SSZ) immediately and without being asked about any changes in your personal status (§ 12 paragraph 6 "Landeshochschulgesetz" (State Law on Higher Education).

Change of address

There are three options for changing your contact information: 

Notify new nationality

If you acquire the citizenship of another country in the course of your studies, please submit your naturalisation certificate or your passport in the form of a clearly legible copy together with the original (for comparison) as proof of this immediately afterwards. In this context, please also inform us whether you were allowed to retain your previous citizenship (dual citizenship) or not.

Please note: If you previously had the nationality of a country outside the EU/EEA and now have the nationality of such a member state, the obligation to pay tuition fees for international students is also no longer in effect.

Changing your personal data

All changes to your first name and/or surname, your gender and nationality(ies) or any necessary corrections to your other master data (e.g. date, place and country of birth) can only be made at the SSZ upon request and always by submitting suitable evidence. This includes valid official photo IDs (e.g. identity card, passport, driving licence or residence permit), current certificates from the registry office or family court orders.

Until 31.10.2024:

In addition, you can also notify the SSZ of a change in your first name and/or gender as determined by the family court in accordance with the "Transsexuellengesetz - TSG" (Transsexual Act). For this purpose, please submit to us either the final decision of the family court or, as preliminary evidence, your application under the TSG, which has already been submitted to the family court and confirmed accordingly. For changes of first names and/or information on gender, which are based on § 45b "Personenstandsgesetz - PStG" (Personal Status Act) and have been registered, please provide us with a current certificate from the official birth register of the responsible registry office. For further details, please refer to our guide.

From 01.11.2024:

The federal legislator intends to repeal the outdated TSG on 01.11.2024 and instead bring the new Act on Self-Determination with regard to Gender Registration ("Gesetz über die Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf den Geschlechtseintrag - SBGG") into effect. It should be possible to register a change of gender affiliation and first name with the registry office from 01.08.2024. You can find detailed information here.

Important notes:

In your own interest, please make sure that the personal data you enter centrally in ZEuS is correct and complete!

This applies in particular to the correct spelling and completeness of your first or last name, the date of birth as well as the place and country of birth. This is all the more important if you have several first or last names or an additional name (e. g. "van"). It is best if we always have the spelling on file which also appears on your official identity card and/or passport. If, for example, you have several first names and you did not originally enter them in ZEuS or did not enter them completely, it is possible that they may later be missing in your final examination documents. However, some employers (e. g. in the Anglo-American region) insist on the same spelling or completeness.

In addition, a later correction or amendment of final and already issued examination documents is a second copy for which a fee of 15 Euro per document will be charged (§ 3 Verwaltungsgebührensatzung (University of Konstanz administrative fees regulation)).

Changing the department where you vote

In your current data control sheet, you will find information on the department for which you are basically entitled to vote and eligible for election to university committees on the basis of your current enrolment. If you wish to vote in a different department because, for example, you are enrolled in two different courses of study, in an interdisciplinary/subject overlapping course of study or in a course of study with two or more subjects, please apply to the SSZ for a change of elective subject. However, one of your subjects (major, minor, or interdisciplinary subject) must then be assigned to this other subject, so that you can and can choose there in the future. Foreign students who only study at the University of Konstanz during a certain phase of their studies (visiting or exchange programme students) are neither eligible nor eligible to vote.