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Friday, September 23
13.30-14.00 Registration
14.00-14.30 Welcome Address (Marcel Fratzscher + Conference Organizers)
14.30-16.00 Session I
Timo Teräsvirta (CREATES, Aarhus University): "Global hemispheric temperature trends and co–shifting: a shifting mean vector autoregressive analysis"
Markku Lanne (University of Helsinki): "Data-driven inference on sign restrictions in Bayesian structural vector autoregressions"
Lutz Kilian (University of Michigan): "Impulse response matching estimators for DSGE models" [Download]
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-18.30 Session II
Katarina Juselius (University of Copenhagen): "Are outcomes driving expectations or the other way around?: A CVAR analysis of survey expectations in the US dollar/UK pound market" [Download]
Uwe Hassler (Goethe University Frankfurt): "Panel cointegration testing in the presence of linear time trends" [Download]
Helmut Herwartz (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen): "Structural VAR modelling with independent innovations - An analysis of macroeconomic dynamics in the Euro area"
Kirstin Hubrich (Federal Reserve Board): "Monetary policy and financial stability: A Markov-Switching VAR with time-varying transition matrix"
20.00 Conference Dinner (Gerichtslaube)
Saturday, September 24
9.30-10.30 Session III
Juan Dolado (European University Institute): "Quantile factor models" [Download]
Jörg Breitung (University of Cologne): "Identification and estimation of dynamic factor models"
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Session IV
Søren Johansen (University of Copenhagen): "Optimal hedging in the CVAR with heteroscedastic errors" [Download]
Manfred Deistler (TU Wien): "Identifiability results for VAR, VARMA and VMA systems in the mixed frequency case" [Download Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Paper 4, Paper 5, Paper 6]
Donald Poskitt (Monash University): "Singular spectrum analysis of Grenander processes and sequential time series reconstruction"
12.30-14.30 Lunch Break
14.30-16.00 Session V
Pentti Saikkonen (University of Helsinki): "A mixture autoregressive model based on Student's t-distribution"
Massimiliano Marcellino (Bocconi University): "Large time-varying parameter VARs: A non-parametric approach" [Download]
Jean-Marie Dufour (McGill University): "Exact and asymptotic identification-robust inference for dynamic structural equations with an application to New Keynesian Phillips curves"
16.00-16.30 End of scientific program
19.00 Helmut's Dinner (by invitation) at Harnack-Haus