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Publications 1994


  1. Y. Fisher. Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)

Journal Papers

  1. P. Agati, E. Mumolo. Data Compression by Means of Fractal Models and Genetic Optimization. Applied Informatics, pages 0-0, 1994. (more)
  2. M. Ali, T. G. Clarkson. Using linear fractal interpolation functions to compress video images. Fractals, 2(3):417-421, 1994. (more)
  3. A. Arneodo, E. Bacry, J. F. Muzy. Solving the inverse fractal problem from wavelet analysis. Europhysics Letters, 25(7):479-484, 1994. (more)
  4. T. Bedford, F. M. Dekking, M. Breewer, M. S. Keane, D. van Schooneveld. Fractal coding of monochrome images. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 6:405-419, 1994. (more)
  5. V. A. Bondarenko, V. L. Dolnikov. Fractal Image Compression by the Barnsley-Sloan Method. Automation And Remote Control C/C Of Avtomatika I Telemekhanika, 1(5):0-0, 1994. (more)
  6. D. Cai, T. Arisawa, N. Asai, Y. Ikebe, T. Itoh. Fractal image compression using locally refined partitions. Fractals, 2(3):405-408, 1994. (more)
  7. J. H. Chen, J. D. Kalbfleisch. Inverse problems in fractal construction: Hellinger distance method. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B Methodological, 56(4):687-700, 1994. (more)
  8. B. Fagin, P. Chintrakulchai. A Reprogrammable Processor for Fractal Image Compression. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 849:0-0, 1994. (more)
  9. Y. Fisher. Fractal Image Compression. Fractals, 2(3):325-334, 1994. (more)
  10. B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay. Solving the inverse problem for function/image approximations using iterated function systems, I. Theoretical basis. Fractals, 2(3):325-334, 1994. (more)
  11. B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay. Solving the inverse problem for function/image approximation using iterated function systems, II. Algorithm and computations. Fractals, 2(3):335-346, 1994. (more)
  12. H. H. S. Ip, H. T. F. Wong, F. Y. Mong. Fractal coding of Chinese scalable calligraphic fonts. Computers And Graphics, 18(3):0-0, 1994. (more)
  13. M. S. Lazar, L. T. Bruton. Fractal block coding of digital video. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 4(3):297-308, 1994. (more)
  14. G. Lu, T.-L. Yew. Image compression using quadtree partitioned iterated function systems. Electronics Letters, 30(1):23-24, 1994. (more)
  15. D. M. Monro, J. A. Nicholls. Real time fractal video for personal communications. Fractals, 2(3):391-394, 1994. (more)
  16. D. J. Nettleton, R. Garigliano. Evolutionary algorithms and a fractal inverse problem. Biosystems, 33(3):221-231, 1994. (more)
  17. H. Ohno, K. Aizawa, M. Hatori. Evaluation of Fractal Image Coding. IEICE Transactions On Fundamentals Of Electronics Communications And Computer Sciences E Series A, 77(11):0-0, 1994. (more)
  18. R. Rinaldo, A. Zakhor. Inverse and approximation problem for two dimensional fractal sets. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 3(6):802-820, 1994. (more)
  19. D. Saupe, R. Hamzaoui. A review of the fractal image compression literature. Computer Graphics, 28(4):268-279, 1994. (more)
  20. W. Skarbek. Banach constructor in fractal compression. Machine Graphics & Vision, 3(1):431-441, 1994. (more)
  21. Y. Suzuki, H. Sumiyoshi, A. Miyauchi. Image coding using fractal parameters of contour lines. Institute Of Television Engineers Of Japan, 48(1):0-0, 1994. (more)
  22. S. Woolley, D. M. Monro. Rate/distortion performance of fractal transforms for image compression. Fractals, 2(3):395-398, 1994. (more)
  23. Y. Zhao, B. Yuan. Image compression using fractals and discrete cosine transform. Electronics Letters, 30:474-475, 1994. (more)
  24. X. Zhu, B. Cheng, D. M. Titterington. Fractal model of a one-dimensional discrete signal and its implementation. IEE Proc. Vision Image and Signal Process, 141(5):318-324, 1994. (more)
  25. G. E. Øien, S. Lepsøy. Fractal-based image coding with fast decoder convergence. Signal Processing, 40:105-117, 1994. (more)

Book Chapters

  1. Z. Baharav, D. Malah, E. Karnin. Hierarchical interpretation of fractal image coding and its applications. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  2. B. Bielefeld, Y. Fisher. A convergence model. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  3. R. D. Boss, E. W. Jacobs. Archetype classification in an iterated transformation image compression algorithm. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  4. K. Culik, J. Kari. Inference algorithms for WFA and image compression. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  5. F. Dudbridge. Least-squares block coding by fractal functions. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  6. F. Dudbridge, D. M. Monro. Fractal approximation functions for image and signal coding. In Mathematics in Signal Processing III, J. G. Mc Whirter (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994. (more)
  7. Y. Fisher, S. Menlove. Fractal encoding with HV partitions. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), pp. 119-126, Springer-Verlag, 1994. (more)
  8. S. Lepsøy, G. E. Øien. Fast attractor image encoding by adaptive codebook clustering. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  9. L. M. Lundheim. A discrete framework for fractal signal modelling. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  10. D. Saupe. From classification to multi-dimensional keys. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  11. G. Vines. Orthogonal basis IFS. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)
  12. G. E. Øien, S. Lepsøy. A class of fractal image coders with fast decoder convergence. In Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Application, Y. Fisher (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. (more)

Conference Papers

  1. M. Ali, T. G. Clarkson. Using linear fractal interpolation functions to compress static and motion images. In Proc. 3rd Conf. on Information Technology and its Applications (ITA'94), Leicester, U.K, April 1994. (more)
  2. K. U. Barthel, J. Schüttemeyer, T. Voyéand P. Noll. A new image coding technique unifying fractal and transform coding. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Volume III, Pages 112-116, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  3. K. U. Barthel, T. Voyé. Adaptive fractal image coding in the frequency domain. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Image Processing: Theory, Methodology, Systems and Applications, Budapest, June 1994. (more)
  4. A. Bogdan. Multiscale (inter/intra-frame) fractal video coding. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  5. S. Curinga. A proposal about fractal coding. In Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'94, Sacramento, California, 1994. (more)
  6. F. Davoine, J.-M. Chassery. Adaptive Delaunay triangulation for attractor image coding. In Proc. of 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Pages 801-803, Jerusalem, 1994. (more)
  7. J. Domaszewicz, V. A. Vaishampayan. Iterative collage coding for fractal compression. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  8. S. de Faria, M. Ghanbari. Variable block size fractal video coding with spatial transform motion compensation. In Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'94, Sacramento, California, 1994. (more)
  9. Y. Fisher, D. Rogovin, T.-P. Shen. Fractal (self-VQ) encoding of video sequences. In Proceedings from SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, Chicago, 1994. (more)
  10. Y. Fisher, T.-P. Shen, D. Rogovin. A comparison of fractal methods with dct (jpeg) and wavelets (epic). In Proceedings from SPIE Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, Volume 2304, 1994. (more)
  11. R. E. H. Franich, R. L. Lagendijk, J. Biemond. Fractal picture sequence coding: Looking for the effective search. In Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'94, Sacramento, California, 1994. (more)
  12. R. E. H. Franich, R. L. Lagendijk, J. Biemond. Fractal coding in an object-based system. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  13. M. Gharavi-Alkhansari, T. S. Huang. Generalized image coding using fractal-based methods. In Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'94, Sacramento, California, 1994. (more)
  14. M. Gharavi-Alkhansari, T. S. Huang. Fractal based techniques for a generalized image coding method. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  15. F. J. González, D. Docampo, J. L. Alba. Reducing the complexity in a fractal-based image coder. In Proc. of the VIth IEEE 1994 Digital Signal Processing Workshop, Yosemite, California, 1994. (more)
  16. S. J. Hannah, D. J. Jackson. A hybrid fractal-LZW encoding technique for lossless image compression. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual ACM Southeast Conference, Pages 233-240, 1994. (more)
  17. J. Hart. Fractal image compression and the inverse problem of recurrent iterated function systems. In New Directions for Fractal Modeling in Computer Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH'94 Course Notes 13, J. Hart (ed.), 1994. (more)
  18. B. Hürtgen, T. Hain. On the convergence of fractal transforms. In Proceedings of ICASSP-1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 5, Pages 561-564, Adelaide, 1994. (more)
  19. B. Hürtgen, P. Mols, S. F. Simon. Fractal transform coding of color images. In Proceedings from SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, Pages 1683-1691, 1994. (more)
  20. B. Hürtgen, F. Müller. Modelling of fractal coding schemes. In Proceedings of the VIIth European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO'94, Pages 600-603, Edinburgh, 1994. (more)
  21. B. Hürtgen, F. Müller. Selbstähnlichkeit als neuartiges Prinzip zur Quellencodierung. In Proceedings ITG-Fachtagung 130, Codierung fur Quelle, Kanal und Übertragung, Pages 277-284, München, 1994. (more)
  22. B. Hürtgen, S. F. Simon. On the problem of convergence in fractal coding schemes. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  23. T. Ida. Improvement of fractal image coding using new code-decision-criterion. In Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'94, Sacramento, California, 1994. (more)
  24. M. Kawamata, M. Nagahisa, T. Higuchi. Multi-resolution tree search for iterated transformation theory-based coding. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  25. I. K. Kim, R.-H. Park. Image coding based on fractal approximation and vector quantization. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  26. D. W. Lin. Fractal image coding as generalized predictive coding. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  27. H. Lin, A. N. Venetsanopoulos. Incorporating nonlinear contractive functions into fractal coding. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Seoul, 1994. (more)
  28. H. Lin, A. N. Venetsanopoulos. Fractal-based image coding by nonlinear contractive functions. In Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Symposium on Communications, Pages 295-298, Kingston, Ontario, 1994. (more)
  29. G. Lu, T.-L. Yew. Image compression using partitioned iterated function systems. In Proceedings from SPIE Image and Video Compression, Volume 2186, 1994. (more)
  30. D. M. Monro, S. J. Woolley. Fractal image compression without searching. In Proceedings of ICASSP-1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 5, Adelaide, 1994. (more)
  31. D. M. Monro, S. J. Woolley. Rate/distortion in fractal compression: order of transform and block symmetries. In Proc. ISSIPNN'94 Intern. Symp. on Speech, Image Processing and Neural Networks, Pages 168-171, Hong Kong, 1994. (more)
  32. T. Naemura, H. Harashima. Data compression & interpolation of a multi-viewpoint image set using iterated contractive image transformation. In Proceedings of the International Picture Coding Symposium PCS'94, Sacramento, California, 1994. (more)
  33. T. Naemura, H. Harashima. Fractal coding of a multi-view 3-d image. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  34. B.-B. Paul, M. H. Hayes. Fractal-based compression of motion video sequences. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  35. V. Ratnakar, E. Feig, P. Tiwari. Fractal-based hybrid compression schemes. In Visual Communications and Image Processing '94, Volume 2308, Pages 448-454, 1994. (more)
  36. E. Reusens. Overlapped adaptive partitioning for image coding based on the theory of iterated function systems. In Proceedings of ICASSP-1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 5, Adelaide, 1994. (more)
  37. E. Reusens. Partitioning complexity issue for iterated function systems based image coding. In Proceedings of the VIIth European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO'94, Volume I, Pages 171-174, Edinburgh, 1994. (more)
  38. R. Rinaldo, G. Calvagno. An image coding scheme using block prediction of the pyramid subband decomposition. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  39. D. Saupe, R. Hamzaoui. A guided tour of the fractal image compression literature. In New Directions for Fractal Modeling in Computer Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH'94 Course Notes 13, J. Hart (ed.), 1994. (more)
  40. C.-J. Shy, H.-Y. M. Liao, C.-K. Tsao, M.-Y. Chern. Fractal image coding system based on an adaptive side-coupling quadtree structure. In Visual Communication and Image Processing '94, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos (ed.), Volume 2308, Pages 455-466, 1994. (more)
  41. W. Skarbek. Choice of Banach space for fractal compression of digital images. In Proceedings of the 5th Microcomputer School Computer Vision and Graphics, Zakopane, 1994. (more)
  42. J. Streit, L. Hanzo. A fractal video communicator. In Proc. IEEE Veh. Techn. Conference, Stockholm, May 1994. (more)
  43. Y. Tang, W. G. Wee. Fractal-based image compression: a fast algorithm using wavelet transform. In Visual Communications and Image Processing '94, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos (ed.), Volume 2308, Pages 1674-1682, 1994. (more)
  44. D. L. Wilson, J. A. Nicholls, D. M. Monro. Rate buffered fractal video. In Proceedings of ICASSP-1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 5, Adelaide, 1994. (more)
  45. B. E. Wohlberg, G. de Jager. On the reduction of fractal image compression encoding time. In Proc. 1994 IEEE South African Symposium on Communications and Signal Processing COMSIG '94, Pages 158-161, 1994. (more)
  46. C. M. Wood. General data compression algorithm for space images using fractal techniques. In Instrumentation in Astronomy VIII, David L. Crawford, Eric R. Craine (eds.), Volume 2198, Pages 1336-1341, 1994. (more)
  47. M. Xue, T. Hanson, A. Merigot. A massively parallel implementation of fractal image compression. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  48. G. E. Øien. Parameter quantization in fractal image coding. In Proc. ICIP-94 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, 1994. (more)
  49. G. E. Øien, Z. Baharav, S. Lepsøy, D. Malah, E. Karnin. A new improved collage theorem with applications to multiresolution fractal image coding. In Proceedings of ICASSP-1994 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 5, Adelaide, 1994. (more)

Research Reports

  1. A. Bogdan. Multiscale fractal image coding and the two-scale difference equation. Research Report Columbia University, No 0, March 1994. (more)
  2. J. Kominek. Understanding fractal image compression. Research Report Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 1994. (more)
  3. J. Kominek. Image compression: An issue of quality. Research Report Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 1994. (more)
  4. D. Saupe. Breaking the time complexity of fractal image compression. Research Report Institut für Informatik, Universität Freiburg, No 53, 1994. (more)


  1. C. Cabrelli, U. Molter. Generalized self-similarity, wavelets and image analysis. Preprint 78, Dept. of Math, University of Buenos Aires, 1994. (more)
  2. W. O. Cochran, J. C. Hart, P. J. Flynn. Fractal volume compression. Manuscript, Washington State University, Dept. of EECS, 1994. (more)
  3. C. Frigaard, J. Gade, T. Hemmingsen, T. Sand. Image compression based on fractal theory. Manuscript, Institute for Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, 1994. (more)
  4. L. Vences, I. Rudomin. Fractal compression of single images and image sequences using genetic algorithms. Manuscript, Institute of Technology, University of Monterrey, 1994. (more)

Last update: 01.04.2004 by Ivan Kopilovic