Several students study together at one counter
Students learn together

Division of Student Affairs and Teaching

The Division of Student Affairs and Teaching supports the university's students throughout the entire student life cycle. It advises and informs prospective students, processes applications, admissions and enrolments, deals with re-registrations for the coming semester and leaves of absence from studies, assists in the processing of final academic examinations and doctorates, issues certificates and transcripts and supports graduates in their transition from studies to work.

Current news

kontaktpunkt – the career day at the lake

Thinking without borders | make contacts | shape the future. kontaktpunkt is the career day for students and graduates from the entire Lake Constance region. Exchange ideas with employers from the region (D/A/CH) and all over Germany, find out about the current labour market and find your perfect job.

Los geht's!

Auch im Sommersemester 2023 beraten wir euch zu allen Schreibprojekten. Die offene Sprechstunde findet ab jetzt dienstags von 10:30-12:30 in der grünen Lerninsel nebem dem Bib-Café statt. Kommt vorbei und bringt eure Fragen mit - oder bucht gleich einen individuellen Beratungstermin.

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