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Course units and workshops on academic writing

Book us for your class. We work with your students on matters of writing relevant to your course.

In course sessions, one of the writing centre staff members works with your students on matters of academic writing that are relevant to your course. They can take place on-campus or online. We will coordinate the content and the format with you so that your students can benefit immediately for their writing tasks.

These sessions are particularly suited to courses in which students need to write academic papers, e. g. seminars, colloquiums on final theses or introductory courses on academic skills (BA and MA degrees). We generally offer one or two sessions of 60 to 90 minutes.

How does it work? 

Studierende bei der Gruppenarbeit
Bild: Universität Konstanz
  1. You contact us via email or in person at the writing centre. 
  2. We agree on the date, duration and content of the course session. 
  3. If you wish, we can also give advice on how to promote writing in your course as well as on writing tasks and exam formats.
  4. During a course session, we focus on the writing tasks set by you in your course. Whenever possible we combine a talk with a practical exercise and reflection in a group. As the subject lecturer, you are present during the course unit and alert students to discipline specific requirements in academic writing. 
  5. We also offer workshops. During a workshop, our tutors will guide your students while they work directly on their writing task. Subject lecturers are usually not present because this format prioritises peer learning.
  6. We provide you and your students with the presentation held in the course as well as all exercises and worksheets  used in the course.

What are possible topics for a writing session?

  • the role of writing in academia
  • characteristics of academic writing: composition, structure, discursive elements, language 
  • productive techniques for reading and excerpts
  • links between writing, learning and thinking
  • writing process and time management
  • techniques for central parts of academic writing such as finding a research question
  • referencing and avoiding plagiarism in academic writing
  • techniques for feedback and revision
  • writing in an additional language