Contact us!

To find the contact person for your department, you can either click on the photo of the team members or go to "Contact" on the left-hand side of the page tree.


Dr. Nicole-Kerstin Baur

Research Support Officer (part time 80%)


Phone: +49 7531 88-2023

Room: V 715

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Friday

out of office until 17/09/2024


Advice and support for departments:
Dept 6: Psychology
Dept 8: History
Dept 8: Sociology
Dept 13: Politics and Public Administration
Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"

Questions concerning research ethics

Dr. rer. nat. Melanie Behrens

Research Support Officer (part time 70%)


Phone: +49 7531  88-3456

Room: V 707

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Monday through Friday mornings


Advice and support for departments:
Dept 1: Mathematics and Statistics
Dept 3: Physics
Dept 4: Chemistry
Dept 12: Economics

Research Infrastructure

Dr. Anja Eisenbeiß

Director of Research Support, EU Officer (part time 90%)


Phone: +49 7531  88-4733

Room: V 702

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Tuesday through Friday

out of office from 19/09 to 07/10/2024


Director of Research Support
EU Officer
Cross-sectional tasks

Annett Giebelhausen

Research Support Officer


Phone: +49 7531 88-2876

Room: V 700

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Monday through Friday

out of office from 02/09 to 20/09/2024


Advice and support for departments:
Dept 2: Computer and Information Science
Dept 7: Philosophy
Dept 8: Empirical Educational Research
Dept 8: Sport Science
Dept 10: Linguistics

Research Infrastructure

Coordination of applications to the Carl Zeiss Foundation

Andra-Lisa Hoyt

Editor of the newsletter "Forschungsnachrichten" (25%)


Room: V 702

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Wednesday and Friday


Editor of Newsletter "Forschungsnachrichten"

Dr. Elisabeth Hutter

International scientific publications officer (part time 50%)


Phone: +49 7531  88-3005

Room: V 701

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Tuesday through Thursday

Danica Kümmel

Research Support Officer (part time 50%)


Phone: +49 7531  88-2937

Room: V 700

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Monday through Friday mornings


Questions concerning research ethics

Dr. phil. Katrin Schmitt

Research Support Officer


Phone: +49 7531  88-3256

Room: V 715

Post office box: 214

Write an e-mail

Office Hours

Monday through Friday


Advice and support for departments:
Dept 5: Biology
Dept 9: Literature, Art and Media Studies
Dept 11: Law
Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour

Coordination of applications to the Elite Programme Baden-Wuerttemberg.