
Dietmar Straile
Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz
 0049 7531 882969


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Our new publications:

Straile et al. (2015) Trophic mismatch requires seasonal heterogeneity of warming. Ecology


Welcome to the Food Web and Population Ecology Group


Our interest is classical ecology, i.e. understanding the abundance and distribution of organisms in space and time. In order to achieve this understanding we study the dynamics of abiotic drivers, community dynamics, and the dynamics as well as adaptations of key species. Thus we have a broad interest in community, population and evolutionary ecology and are especially interested in linking these levels of ecological research.  This can only be done using a variety of methods, e.g., analysis of long-term data, field sampling, modelling, population genetics, as well as mesocosm and laboratory experiments.


Department of Biology          Limnological Institute

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