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B. Forte, E. R. Vrscay. Solving the inverse problem for function and image approximation using iterated function systems. to appear in Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 1(2), 1995.


This paper is concerned with function approximation and image representation using a new formulation of Iterated Functions Systems (IFS) over the general function spaces (Formel): An N-map IFS with grey level maps (IFSM), to be denoted as (w, (), is a set w of N contraction maps over a compact metric space (X, d) (the "base space") with an associated set ( of maps : R+ ( R+. Associated with each IFSM is an operator T which, under certain conditions, may be contractive with unique fixed point Lp (X, µ). A rigorous solution to the following inverse problem is provided: Given a target and >0, find an IFSM whose attractor satisfies || ||p


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BibTex Reference

   Author = {Forte, B. and Vrscay, E. R.},
   Title = {Solving the inverse problem for function and image approximation using iterated function systems},
   Journal = {to appear in Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems},
   Volume = {1},
   Number = {2},
   Year = {1995}

Last update: 01.04.2004 by Ivan Kopilovic