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J. Cardinal. Faster fractal image coding using similarity search in a KL-transformed feature space. In Fractals: Theory and Applications in Engineering, M. Dekking, J. L. Vehel, E. Lutton, C. Tricot (eds.), pp. 293-306, Springer-Verlag, London, 1999.


Fractal coding is an efficient method of image compression but has a major drawback: the very slow compression phase, due to a time-consuming similarity search between image blocks. A general acceleration method based on feature vectors is described, of which we can find many instance in the literature. This general method is then optimized using the well-known Karhunen-Loeve expansion, allowing optimal - in a sense to be defined - dimensionality reduction of the search space. Finally, a simple and fast search algorithm is designed, based on orthogonal range searching and avoiding the "curse of dimensionality" problem of classical best match search methods.


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BibTex Reference

   Author = {Cardinal, J.},
   Title = {Faster fractal image coding using similarity search in a KL-transformed feature space},
   BookTitle = {Fractals: Theory and Applications in Engineering},
   editor = {Dekking, M. and Vehel, J. L. and Lutton, E. and Tricot, C.},
   Pages = {293--306},
   Publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   Address = {London},
   Year = {1999}

Last update: 01.04.2004 by Ivan Kopilovic