Donald Trump: Media genius and master of breaking the rules

Donald Trump blusters, polarizes and overacts: On the occasion of the U.S. presidential election, Konstanz literary scholar, Professor Juliane Vogel, analyzes how the 45th president of the United States portrays himself as a modern media boss. Her view: “Trump is a media genius with complete control over the apparatus”. More of the interview (in German) in the online magazine of the University of Konstanz:

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Donald Trump: Mediengenie und Meister des Regelbruchs

Donald Trump poltert, polarisiert, chargiert: Anlässlich der anstehenden US-Präsidentschaftswahlen analysiert die Konstanzer Literaturwissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Juliane Vogel, wie der 45. US-Präsident sich als moderner Medienherrscher in Szene setzt.

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Staying in touch!

New mechanism regulating the adhesion of cells to the surrounding extracellular support structures discovered at the University of Konstanz – New options for the treatment of inflammatory processes and tumour metastasis

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The current developments clearly show how extraordinary these times are. But, they also show: Everybody can do their bit to stop the coronavirus from spreading further. In the coming weeks you will find the slogan “safe.together” on different images online as well as on our university campus to guide you through the numerous regulations, measures and ordinances.

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Wie Asterix der Forschung hilft

Der Sprachwissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Georg A. Kaiser vergleicht in Comics, Krimis, der Bibel und verschiedenen ihrer Übersetzungen die Wortstellung in Fragesätzen und kommt zum Schluss, dass die deutsche Sprache ganz schön starr sein kann.

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Answer to Darwin’s question

In a paper published in “Nature”, evolutionary biologist Axel Meyer from the University of Konstanz analyses almost 500 genomes and provides answers to questions concerning the genomic basis of adaptations, the differences between species, and the mechanisms of speciation

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