Where are they? And if so, how many?

Is the core of an animal or plant population always found in the center of its range, as a classic ecological model predicts? In most cases, but not always. Luckily, exceptions from the model are easy to predict, according to the findings of an international research team involving ecologist Trevor Fristoe from the University of Konstanz.

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Collective eating

What connects humans and bonobos during collective eating? A conversation about rituals, rules, and feasts with behavioural ecologist Barbara Fruth and health psychologist Britta Renner.

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Strong and biodegradable

A polyester plastic of great mechanical stability, which is also easily recyclable and even compostable: Stefan Mecking, chemist at the University of Konstanz, and his research group present a new material.

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New approach prevents rejection of transplanted organs

Inhibition of a protein complex in cells of the immune system prevents rejection of transplanted organs – this has been shown in a study by immunologists from the University of Konstanz, the Biotechnology Institute Thurgau (BITg) and Chongqing Cancer University Hospital.

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Discrimination at German universities: how widespread is it?

In the largest survey of its kind in Germany – the Student Survey in Germany – about a quarter of respondents reported experiencing discrimination during their studies. Konstanz researchers' analysis of the survey data revealed that women, non-heterosexual students, and students with a migration background face an increased risk of discrimination.

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More than the sum of its parts

The number of simultaneously acting global change factors has a negative impact on the diversity of plant communities – regardless of the nature of the factors. This is one of the findings of a recent study by ecologists from the University of Konstanz.

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New university network

The University of Konstanz is the new headquarters for a transnational university network spanning the four countries of the Lake Constance region. The university's rector, Katharina Holzinger, and Gernot Brauchle, chair of the new network "Wissenschaftsverbund Vierländerregion Bodensee", have signed a corresponding cooperation agreement for the newly founded network of 25 universities.

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LibrarIN: Towards a new generation of European Libraries

International research consortium involving Ines Mergel, Professor of Public Administration – Digital Governance at the University of Konstanz, receives EU funding in the framework of the Horizon Europe programme. Goal of the joint research project LibrarIN: paving the way for a new generation of European libraries based on participatory management and sustainable finance.

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Which sources do we trust?

What makes information reliable? A University of Konstanz study shows: People do not necessarily believe experts or reputable sources – they tend to believe information that confirms their existing opinions.

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