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Can we assess our own immune system?

A psychological study by the University of Konstanz suggests our brain can assess the state of our own health more precisely than we think – and it is probably even able to correctly evaluate the state of our immune system.

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Self-healing plastic becomes biodegradable

Konstanz chemists develop mineral plastics with numerous positive properties from sustainable basic building blocks and, together with biologists, demonstrate the material's excellent microbiological degradability.

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Glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees

What impacts do agrochemicals have on the ongoing global insect decline? Biologists at the University of Konstanz have found out that aversive learning is impaired in bumblebees exposed to glyphosate. Their study is published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

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Blackbuck mating heaven

Teaser: The researchers Hemal Naik, Akanksha Rathore, and Vivek Hari Sridhar went to Rajasthan, India, to study the mating behaviour of blackbucks from a bird's eye perspective. Read what they encountered during six adventurous weeks in the field.

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