Interface DataProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
EdgeMap, FaceMap, NodeMap
All Known Implementing Classes:
DataProviderAdapter, EdgeMapAdapter, NodeMapAdapter, WrappedObjectDataProvider

public interface DataProvider

A general interface for data provision. A data provider grants access to data associated with one or more data holders. It constitutes a read only view on particular data.

Method Summary
 Object get(Object dataHolder)
          Returns an object value associated with the given data holder.
 boolean getBool(Object dataHolder)
          Returns a boolean value associated with the given data holder.
 double getDouble(Object dataHolder)
          Returns a double value associated with the given data holder.
 int getInt(Object dataHolder)
          Returns an integer value associated with the given data holder.

Method Detail


public Object get(Object dataHolder)
Returns an object value associated with the given data holder. This method may throw an UnsupportedOperationException.


public int getInt(Object dataHolder)
Returns an integer value associated with the given data holder. This method may throw an UnsupportedOperationException.


public double getDouble(Object dataHolder)
Returns a double value associated with the given data holder. This method may throw an UnsupportedOperationException.


public boolean getBool(Object dataHolder)
Returns a boolean value associated with the given data holder. This method may throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

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