Prof. Dr. jur. Wolfgang Heinz

Main research

  • Development of a multiple indicator-system for crime rate and crime rate development (crime rate indicators)
  • Studies about sanctioning practice of prosecutors and court
  • Analysis of sanctioning- and impact-research, especially relapse statistics and diversion
  • Juvenile delinquency and legal social-supervision
  • White-collar crime and business crime law
  • Crime prevention on a municipal level

Institute for Empirical Research in the Field of Law

The Institute for Empirical Research in the Field of Law, founded in 1982, aims at conducting research projects to establish the actual basis, effects and deviation in goals of existing and upcoming legal rules and their causes.

The Konstanz Repositories on Crime and Sanctioning (overview):

The Konstanz Repository on Research in Sanction (KIS)

In recent years a greater number of special evaluations of published and unpublished data on the structure and trends in sanctioning in Germany have been submitted under the label „Konstanzer Inventar Sanktionsforschung (KIS)“. These evaluations were published in a framework of single diagrams and overview charts. By providing updated information the lead article “Penal system of sanctions and sanctioning in Germany” shall allow easy access to the benefits of this work and be complemented by further diagrams.

The Konstanz Repository on Crime Trends in Germany (KIK)

Accompanying the “Konstanzer Inventar Sanktionsforschung (KIS)” the “Konstanzer Inventar Kriminalitätsentwicklung (KIK)” is being build up. It provides statistically and graphically processed data on the development of the officially registered criminality based on Police Crime Statistics and on Court Statistics of Persons Judged (Prosecution Statistics).

Material on crime and sanctioning in Germany

Surrounding information to the KIS and KIK data on crime development and sanction research. This includes tables put together from official statistics and own calculations undertaken in particular for the purposes of the Konstanz Inventory.


Links to statistical, criminological and other resources in the WWW which provide relevant information for Criminology. We greatly appreciate references to such resources by our visitors and exchange of the Repositories' WWW-links with other sites (please e-mail).

Imprint | last update: 3.12.2007