Prof. Dr. jur. Wolfgang Heinz

Co-operation between the University of Konstanz (Faculty of Law) and the Hanyang University, Seoul (College of Law)

Since the mid 1990’s a Korean-German exchange exists between the members of the Faculty of Law at the University of Konstanz and the members of the College of Law at the Hanyang University in Seoul.

Based on a co-operation agreement signed in 2001 between the Faculty of Law at the University of Konstanz and the College of Law at the Hanyang University, Seoul, a co-operation where generations overlap ensued. Students, graduates, postgraduates and professors could attend the partner university for study or research periods lasting several months, mostly aided through the DAAD. Due to the 2003 to 2005 resulting financial sponsorship raised within the framework of the DAAD HOST-Programs, this exchange could be intensified further.

Since 2000 there are regular conferences held for several days annually (excluding 2002) – alternatively in Seoul or in Konstanz- by teaching staff and students from the College of Law at the Hanyang University and the Faculty of Law, Konstanz. At the 2005 seminar held in Seoul, the professors of the Kansai University, Osaka also took part for the first time. Its continuation was the Trilateral Seminar 2006 held in Konstanz. The scholarly lectures held in Seoul were regularly published in the Hanyang Law Review (Vol. 17, 2000, P. 255 et sqq.; Vol 20, Nr. 1, 2003, P. 151 et sqq; Vol 22, Nr. 2, 2005, P. 90 et sqq.).

The lectures held on the joint German-Japanese-Korean Seminars are published in special volumes and are available for download here.

The partnership representatives are Professor Dr. Young-Whan Kim and Professor Dr. Wolfgang Heinz.

Imprint | last update: 15.10.2009