Prof. Dr. jur. Wolfgang Heinz

Co-operation between the University of Konstanz (Faculty of Law) and the Kansai University, Osaka

Based on a trilateral seminar, which was executed by the College of Law at the Hanyang University, Seoul, 2005 with its co-operation partners, the School of Law and the Faculty of Law at the Kansai University, Osaka and the Faculty of Law at the University of Konstanz, a relationship was established between the German and Japanese legal scholars. At the successive trilateral seminar 2006 in Konstanz a co-operation agreement was formed between the University of Konstanz and the Kansai University, Osaka. This co-operation agreement 2007 was supplemented through a joint agreement between the Faculty of Law at the University of Konstanz and the School of Law at the Kansai University, Osaka.

The lectures held on the joint German-Japanese-Korean Seminars are published in special volumes and are available for download here.

The partnership representatives are Professor Dr. Keeiichi Yamanaka and Professor Dr. Wolfgang Heinz.

Imprint | last update: 15.10.2009