United in solidarity

Statements by university members:

The developments resulting from the war in Ukraine have lasting consequences for the entire world – including the international academic community.

We are shaken to the core by the war and suffering. Yet we are not powerless: Now it is all the more important to stand up for freedom, democracy and tolerance. We are also fighting back by giving no place to xenophobia and racism and continuing to hold on to our university as a place of peaceful, cosmopolitan and tolerant exchange.
Professor Dorothea Debus, Vice Rector for International Affairs, Equal Opportunity and Diversity at the University of Konstanz

The unanimous and determined solidarity with which the international community advocates for these liberal and humanitarian values is overwhelming and the strongest defence. When freedom is in danger, the University of Konstanz holds on to these values all the more.

At the University of Konstanz, we embrace inclusion. No one should be discriminated against or excluded on the basis of any characteristic.
The student Senate members of the University of Konstanz

The University of Konstanz fosters a research culture that gives people in danger a voice and provides a safe space for them. That applies to people from Ukraine. That applies to all refugees, irrespective of their nationality. That also applies to university members of Russian or Belarusian origin. Many of them are showing great courage by joining the public statements and speaking out publicly against this war.

Below you will find selected statements from university members and academic institutions:

We must unite and look beyond citizenship for the sake of the higher goal of peace and freedom.
Nick Zubanov (born in Russia) and Oksana Melnyk (born in Ukraine), Department of Economics
We, researchers of the University of Konstanz with Russian citizenship, strongly condemn the aggressive war that Russian government is currently waging against Ukraine.
Researchers with Russian citizenship
There are hardly any words that could express the horror we feel in view of the hostilities in Ukraine. As a university and as citizens of Europe, we deeply condemn the war of aggression on Ukraine. Our solidarity is with the Ukrainian people.
Rector Professor Katharina Holzinger
We, the Eastern Europe researchers at the University of Konstanz are deeply shocked by the Russian army's war of aggression on Ukraine, initiated by the Russian President and contrary to international law.
Departmental section Slavic Literatures, Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies