Sven Lauer and Roxana Halbleib at the Zukunftskolleg
We welcome Roxana Halbleib (Economics) and Sven Lauer (Linguistics) at the Zukunftskolleg. Both started their Fellowship on October 1st – Sven Lauer as 2-year Postdoctoral Fellow and Roxana Halbleib as 5-year Research Fellow. Roxana Halbleib also holds a Margarete von Wrangell Research Fellowship at the Chair of Economics and Econometrics at the University of Konstanz. Her project is entitled “Modeling, Estimating and Forecasting Risks”. Sven Lauer works on his project “Pragmatic inference based on linguistic preferences”. Before coming to Konstanz he was a researcher in the Department of Linguistics at Stanford University, supervised by Senior Fellow Cleo Condoravdi.