Mobility - a Concept and a Way of Life

Joint Symposium with the Martin Buber Society (Jerusalem, Israel) on June 27 and 28 in the Museum of Art and Cars in Singen

In June, Representatives of the Buber Society of Fellows and of the Zukunftskolleg of Konstanz University met to discuss "Mobility: a concept and a way of life," held in the Museum of Art and Cars in the town of Singen.

The workshop opened with Ruth HaCohen's general typology of mobility as a concept, which was followed by two intensive days of talks and discussions about mobility in diverse domains, from religion to chemistry, from to sociology to biology, from language to photography, and more. It was a truly interdisciplinary meeting, with a real synergy and a sense of getting closer to insights about the nature of mobility. Out of the desire to not let these insights slip away, we will hold a second joint meeting in Jerusalem in December 2016.