und Ziele des Forschungsprojekts (english version)
Graduate Research
Program on
Figures/Figurations of the Third
University of Constance
Department of Literature
(Short Version)
1. Summary
Triadic constellations
play a striking role in much twentieth century writing of relevance to
cultural studies. The spectrum extends from Georg Simmel's sociological
arithmetic and psychoanalysis as a theory of affective triangulation to
our contemporary theories of difference (Luhmann, Derrida, Serres). These
latter theories introduce third quantities that undermine prevalent dichotomous
schemas for drawing distinctions and shaping orders. In order to overcome
sexual polarities, gender theory makes use of the concept of the third
sex; likewise, the debate over globalization and postcolonialism has endowed
actuality to the concepts of "third space" and cultural hybridity. Despite
differing contexts, a commonly held double conditioning of the third is
manifest here. It is a hybrid being that both separates and fuses--that
both disturbs and mediates, thus being, as it were, both excluded by and
included within the established order. This quality allows us to speak
of the figure and figuration of the third.
Literature has been concerned with this phenomenon in a double manner.
On the one hand, it has always confronted double-faced personae such as
rivals, messengers, interpreters, as well as the wider field of verbal
techniques involving "both this and that," in other words, ambivalence
and paradox. It thus invites inquiries linked to a historical semantics
of triadic figuration. At the same time, the subversive effects produced
by interventions of third instances emerge within orders of knowledge
located outside literature. They reveal general mechanisms of cultural
semiosis that can be explored with the tools of literary studies. The
theme consequently ties two dimensions together: Studying the suitable
literary narrative allows a rhetorical-narratological analysis of the
way cultures approach categorial intermediary zones and mixed forms.
Through cooperation with the Universities of Zurich and Basel, the Johns
Hopkins University and the University of Chicago, the planned project
has an international dimension. Beginning with a set of problems tied
to literary studies, it is meant to introduce participants to the basic
problems of culture-theoretical research. This comprises transdisciplinarity
grounded in a specific discipline and maintaining one central purpose:
moving beyond the participants' core academic specialties, to reflect
on the way cultural codes function in our present knowledge-based society.
2. Research Program
2.1 Overview
The twentieth century's
epistemological stage was the venue for a significant recasting. Facing
the footlights of theory, a figure emerged who had previously been condemned
to a widely off-stage existence. If she was ever allowed to perform, this
was only for brief guest appearances, usually ending in a scandal. With
new theories now determining the repertoire, the situation has altered.
The former spectral presence has now become a key figure, and while she
continues to make her fellow players uneasy, she is nonetheless recognized
by them in nearly reverent fashion.
We are referring here to the figure of the third. The classical occidental
episteme was binarily organized; it was only capable of regularly conceiving
the third in the form of a transition or linkage to a higher unity: not
as a quantity persisting, on its own accord, alongside both terms in semantic
dualisms such as true-false, spirit-matter, God-world, good-evil, culture-nature,
inside-outside, and one's own-the strange. In contrast, all the newer
theories unfolding on the plain of cultural semiosis grant the instance
of the third a decisive role. This is the case for the concept of the
"parasite" in the writing of Michel Serres; for deconstruction's introduction
of third quantities undermining the binarism of metaphysics (différance,
play, and so forth); and for Niklas Luhmann and his logic of cybernetic
systems--a logic attempting to conceive a tertium datur by way of an expansion
or even overcoming of Aristotelian logic, in this way making possible
a new approach to systemic "reports of error" (paradox; tautology).
On a less abstract level, this change of epistemological regime also embraces
current theories of the psychic and the social. For the world of intersubjective
relationships no longer consists of oppositions and the dynamic of their
mediation, but of persistent triangles. These are self-similar and self-propagating,
hence irreducible to a unit. And here as well, the demon of the old world
is the hero of the new--which does not mean that its demonical origins
are to be forgotten. Yesterday's disruptive factors have simply been transformed
into today's social operators.
The list of the new protagonists is long. We thus find the trickster--that
sly and unreliable, sometimes wicked, sometimes roguish double agent between
two worlds, whom every even partly well-ordered godly regime has tried
to eliminate--now granted iconic status within the paradigm of interculturality.
The messenger, who acts on his own authority, in this way arriving on
the scene as a falsifying third party between sender and receiver, has
received an honorary position in current theories of media. The interpreter,
whose translations insist on their own meaning, thereby endangering the
intended understanding, can now count himself among the avant-garde of
linguistic theory. And finally, the rival, traditionally the source of
discord in the lovers' duet, a function for which he usually pays with
his life, has received the central position in the theory of desire. Each
love-alliance and all erotic desire is now processed through a triangular
dynamic in which the figure of the amorous rival has the main role. Meanwhile,
psychoanalysis has been pushed forward theoretically in the direction
of a general theory of triangulation; and with René Girard, the rival
has stepped into the socio-anthropological model's center.
With his first book, Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque (Paris 1961;
published in English in 1965 as Deceit, Desire, and the Novel), Girard
has pointed to the literary genealogy of such a logic. And in fact, there
is a striking affinity of this hybrid creature, polluting the great systematic
constructs, with literary-artistic modes of representation. This is because,
on the one hand, the transitions between discursive and narrative languages
become fluid on the borders of systematized knowledge; and, on the other,
a considerable poetic productivity has always inhabited all sorts of triangular
constellations. When treating complex triadic structures, literary history
has at its disposal its own, rich treasury of experience: a factor that
has always motivated other fields of knowledge exposed to the epistemological
irritation of third instances of order/disorder to "import" its linguistic-narrative
procedures. And the procedures at work in literary analysis are here likewise
As is the case in the field of theory, the literary third represents both
a productive and precarious figure. For this reason, s/he (or it) serves
particularly well as a central category for the detailed reconstruction
of relations of desire and transference in narrative works and drama--such
interpretive activity unfolding within a comparative and diachronic interpretive
framework. The planned graduate program’s main research focus will thus
be on examining triadic constellations present in literature, graphics,
and the aesthetics of media. It will consider not only the art work's
level of action, but also its structure and its medial constitution. It
is intended to offer advanced training in methods of textual analysis,
thus facilitating the development of interpretive skills applicable to
broader cultural-semiological contexts.
2.2 Epistemology. Historical Semantics of the Third
In the context of differential
theories, "third-party effects" emerge whenever intellectual operations
no longer simply oscillate between both sides of a difference, but the
difference itself becomes both object and problem. The fact of the difference
thus joins each of the different quantities, like a third quantity possessing
no position of its own but setting both sides of the difference into a
relationship: this through simultaneously joining and separating. The
third, then, makes binary codifications possible in the first place, while
it itself normally remains hidden as a constitutive mechanism.
Such a shift in perspective toward the constitutive third, located between
binarily related quantities--in other words, the problematization of difference
qua difference--furnishes the project with one of its working hypotheses:
that the shift represents a phenomenon emerging with particular force
in the modern epoch. Considered in terms of systems theory, what is at
issue here is second-order observation, which is to say the observation
of ways of observation--also a characteristic of modernism in the Luhmann
school's periodization. This in no way means that pre-modern semantic
systems did not have their own high degree of sensitivity to the propensity
for paradox of binary systems of order--to problems of demarcating borders,
points of transition, and the blending of opposing significatory fields.
But it remains the case that such systems' general, as it were official,
mode of integration would seem not to have raised the problem of the third
in a differential-theoretical sense--as the included-excluded element
of a difference--to the same degree.
Traditionally, dual semantic systems effectuated the unity of their differences
through each side's co-representation of the whole: the apparent parity
between the oppositions (which would move into indeterminability) is broken
by a functional asymmetry, to the extent that one of the two values figures
as a larger term encompassing, at the same time, the other, smaller opposing
Hence in a theological framework God arrives from Himself on the scene
as the world's creator, thus generating the possibility of difference--that
is, of the existence of discrete entities--in the first place; but in
God's universality, the split between creator and creation is transcended
from the beginning. Correspondingly, classical moral doctrine is grounded
in the mutual relativization of good and evil being encompassed by a good
and orderly arrangement of the world: an arrangement to which human behavior
is normatively obliged. In the same manner, metaphysical systems assure
themselves of the unity of the world by privileging one term of their
conceptual dualities. Spirit, for instance, is understood as embracing
its opposite, matter; it thus keeps the world from splitting, manichean
fashion, into two irreconcilable counter-forces. For its part, the German
Idealist dialectic continues to understand difference as the unfolding
of a (preceding) unity that, potentially, is already contained in one
side of the dialectic conflict--reason, ego, subject--and as consequently
completing itself in actu after running through a spiritual or world-historical
assimilative process. At the latest, such forms of conflictual establishment
of unity become virulent when they are applied to the difference between
one's own and the strange. The cultural confrontation between Europe and
the non-European world was modeled on this schema, manifest in a discourse
of colonialism extending from Christian missionizing to persisting normative
ideas of civilization and "development." A semantics that takes the heterarchic
and polycentric character of modern societies into account can no longer
ground itself in such hegemonial unifications. For if it maintains the
underlying binary model of codification, it cannot construct a synecdocal
relation between one term of each difference it encounters and the unity
of the difference. And in this manner, the inherited schema of inclusion
of the parts in the whole is rendered invalid. The question of the constitutive
third--the third that both unites and sunders--now emerges all the more
From Christian dogma of the Trinity to neoplatonic triads that took on
renewed significance in the Renaissance (Samsonow), the semantic systems
of old European dualism were always accompanied by a highly elaborated
triadic metaphysics: Within this number symbolism, the triad was usually
chosen to overcome the world's division and to restore a unity understood
as originary. This is true, as well, for the foundational three-step models
stretching from the Enlightenment to--in temporal (meaning philosophical-historical)
extension--Marxism. But alongside such models, the third was very much
present as a critical quantity threatening the world order: wherever mixings
and bastardizations of binary categories of judgment, grotesque malformations,
monstrous hybrid creatures appear on the scene (Bachtin). Through the
construction of "third cases," certain currents and epochs, especially
the epoch of European mannerism, appear nothing short of obsessed with
driving the organizational capacity of dualistic conceptual and valuational
orderings to their boundaries and beyond.
All in all, however, these were exceptions in a universe of rules whose
persistence remained unthreatened--or was only threatened in sporadic
crises. In this regard, the forms of conceiving the third emerging in
the twentieth century reveal a different pattern. Here, we find the state
of emergency endowed with something like permanence. It can happen that
in a meeting of two parties, neither can assert a claim to hegemony: a
claim that brings the other back to what is one's own. In that case, a
new grammar of cultural and epistemological negotiation is necessary,
a grammar not to be obtained from the traditional sources. A comparison
from the field of semantic history helps demonstrate a central postulate:
that the late twentieth century's proclaimed "epistemological state of
emergency" cannot be conceived as merely a transitional state between
one identitive order and another. Categories such as monstrosity or grotesqueness
derive their sense or nonsense from stepping outside the order of things
(in the form of taxonomical confusion or a carnevalesque intermezzo).
In contrast, the etymologically related concept of hybridity, as discussed
at present all over the world, has an entirely different nature: on all
sociocultural levels, it understands "being between" as sign of a paradoxical,
because no longer normatively accessible, "normality" of the (post)modern.
The degree of abstraction and complexity of the theoretical models shows
how basic this transformation has been. These models attempt to trace
out something like a transbinary grammar of third spaces. There are reasons
to suspect that the decisive epistemological fault-line is located somewhere
between Hegel and Marx, on the one hand, and Kierkegaard and Nietzsche,
on the other. When it comes to the reconstruction of hierarchically graded
categorial systems into models of a plural and heterarchical cognitive
landscape, Wittengenstein's theory of language-play takes on importance.
(Lyotard is in its debt in his programmatic Postmodern Condition.) In
the Anglo-American arena, translation theory (Quine) and, especially,
Peirce's semiotics take on significance--Peirce has even recently been
charged with "triadomania" (Spinks 1991). Among the various drafts of
a tri-valued logic, Peirce's logic of quantification may well be most
easily assimilable with the approaches prevalent in cultural studies.
Finally, the density of references to figures and structures of the third
is particularly high in poststructuralism's theoretical orbit: from Lévinas's
meditations on alterity through the numerous critical concepts regarding
identity and metaphysics currently prevalent in cultural-theoretical reflections
on method.
But to avoid the risk, inherent in the very topic, of a theory fruitlessly
circling around itself, it is necessary to take into account both the
range and concrete findings of the various epistemic regimes haunted,
as it were, by the ghost of the third. Promoting greater innovation, such
an approach involves a historical inventory of various fields of research
and knowledge--all of them presumably addressing a highly similar set
of problems, despite the diversity of individual cognitive milieus.
With little exaggeration, sociology--a discipline constituting itself
at the twentieth century's start--can be described as owing its realm
of study to the triad. Published in 1908, Georg Simmel's "Soziologie.
Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung" ("Sociology. Investigations
of the Forms of Socialization") is a foundational document for the sociological
figure of the third. Simmel sees the two-party relation as a presocial
relation. Only the arrival of a third party allows society to emerge as
society; it sets in play processes of social objectification moving beyond
the sphere of a reciprocal interaction always attributable to persons.
Simmel's typology of the third encompasses the Non-Partisan, the mediator,
the tertius gaudens, the principle of divide et impera in view of the
"numerical aspects of sociation" (Simmel 1950, p. 140). The typology has
served as an impetus for studies of group and family sociology, as well
as--most recently--work in the history of mentalities (Fett 2000).
Still, Simmel's "Investigations" are not only of special interest on account
of their substantive findings, but because as a text, they are part and
parcel of the movement of the third they attempt to describe. Namely,
while on the one hand Simmel marks the threshold to the social as a step
from the double to the triple, on the other hand he has to concede that
marriage, which he considers a prototype of the societally relevant yet
presocial relation of two, is for its part regularly founded by a third:
a fact that has offered literature a plenitude of narrative possibilities.
In this manner, the threshold construction turns into a circular structure
that can only derive the third by already presuming it: an indicator of
such triads' irritatingly self-involutive character, repeatedly manifest
in the context of narratives of origin. That the third disturbs not only
the societal but also the logical order, and that a corresponding theory
is concerned with new potentials for subversion having an effect on the
theory itself, is not the least of the insights Michel Serres offers in
The Parasite. Also containing far more radical theses, this book carries
forward the approach of Simmel.
The triad is also essential for the analysis of affective structures.
Psychoanalysis opens a tradition of knowledge within which human ontogenesis,
to the extent it is concerned with the mind and feelings, is presented
as a result of triangulations. In his construction of the Oedipus complex,
Freud largely limited himself to the realm of the family. As a critical
reader of Freud, René Girard defines the mechanism of mediated desire
as the affective mechanism of sociogenesis in general. In doing so, he
inverts the Freudian affective grammar, rendering what for Freud was the
son's aggressive desires--incest and parricide--into the paternal myth
of the persecutor. In exemplary fashion, this theoretical reference and
inversion makes clear that triangulations represent restless formations,
affectively exchangeable and hermeneutically reinterpretable--this because
they themselves can be dissolved, according to perspective, into three
opposing 2+1 relations. It can be no coincidence that precisely this restlessness
has become a basic catalyst of experimental literary groupings--narratives
involving erotic triangles, the familial triangles of bourgeois tragedy,
the expressionist parricidal dramas, enacting the psychoanalytic Oedipus-myth
with and against Freud. Some theoretical reflections have meanwhile pointed
to the triangular schema's extension beyond the narrative plain to the
text-reader-author triad (Bentz).
It should be made clear that when one speaks of the figure of the third,
"figure" is not to be understood in a personal sense. It is the case that
figures of the third can be embodied as literary heroes; but what is at
play here on a more basic level is the formation of foundational cognitive,
affective, and social structures. Such structures are characterized by
not only being restless in themselves, but by pressing shifting vantage
points and hence an irreducible multivalence upon the observer. This effect
of polyvalence and polyglossia unfolding under the sign of the third has
become particularly important in the theories emerging toward the twentieth
century's end. Hence when one speaks of the figure, figuration is always
also present. Present-day debates about concepts such as "third space"
(Homi Bhabha), hybrid cultures (Elisabeth Bronfen), and the utopia of
the third sex outlined within gender studies point to the actuality of
this figuration. They open the concept of the figure in itself to comprehensive
rhetorical analysis.
Thirdness and third space are political phenomena, emerging from burgeoning
streams of migration, the problem of interculturality connected to this,
and the dissolution of national and ethnic identities in the wake of globalization.
At the same time, legal developments themselves reflect a phase in which,
as a result of the disintegration of normative legal hierarchies grounded
in the nation state, previously hidden paradoxes are coming to light,
and the "excluded third party...makes himself distinctly noticeable" (Teubner
1996, p. 236; cf. Luhmann, "The Third Question"). Characteristically,
the law reacts to this with procedures stemming from the rhetorical arsenal:
the manufacture of analogies, the "dirty practice" of persuasive self-validation,
audacious if groundless as-if constructions, linguistic dissimulation,
and so forth.
This process is equal to an involuntary culturalization of a strictly
systematic cognitive edifice. In the meantime, it has come to include
the self-description of the natural sciences, previously appearing safe
from such hybrid forms thanks to the theory of two cultures. Bruno Latour
has connected a theory of transfer between different objective worlds
and orders of knowledge with what he terms "immutable mobiles" (Latour).
From his field research on communication between natural-science laboratories,
Peter Galison has developed the concept of the "trading zone": a third
realm, located on the borders and transitional points of each disciplinary
system, in which knowledge is exchanged under conditions that, even ad
hoc, first need to be negotiated (Galison). These are only two examples
of the way the historiography of the natural sciences has been infiltrated
by a vocabulary of displacement and dislocation, transposition and translocality,
along with the general fashion for the prefixes "inter ," "para," and
2.3 Narratology of the Figure of the Third
To some extent, the
material covered in 2.2 is in contact with the objective fields of literary
studies, media studies, and art history in an indirect manner. Social
and emotional triangles have always been a prominent object of textual
and graphic production, and the "third space" of postcolonialism has produced
a rich literature. (In the latter field, we hope for cooperation with
the Munich graduate research program on "Postcolonial Studies.") But few
artistic works will be found that are concerned with, for instance, the
particularities of postmodern labor communications and their hybridization
effects--which is not to marginalize existing work such as Matthew Barney's
video installations. In any case, the subject's very nature discourages
any limiting of analytic interest to thematically relevant works of art
and literature. To the contrary: the theme of "the figure of the third"
invites elucidation, through close readings informed by cultural studies,
of the medial, textual, and narratological composition of non-literary
complexes of knowledge as well. The study of such complexes itself contributes
to a direction in research concerned--to cite Foucault's discourse-analysis--with
the "poetology of knowledge," that is, with the po(i)etical conditions
making knowledge possible (Vogl).
It is not necessary to appeal to the "culture as text" debate (Clifford
Geertz, James Clifford, George E. Marcus et al.) to become aware of one
factor: the stimulation of forms of epistemological improvisation often
having a disguised narrative character through the opening of third, mediatory
spaces, incapable of being regulated by a uniform technical code, within
and between the most various domains of knowledge. It is possible to understand
culture as a space in which not only numerous acts of communication take
place, but in which the communicative codes are themselves objects of
negotiation. If this is so, then the triadic zones emerging along the
validity-borders of cultural normativization and scientific systematization
are neuralgic production sites of culture (Link). If the specific accomplishment
of texts is their capacity to organize complexity in conditions of multiple
codifications and mixed or hybrid formations, it will be rewarding to
link procedures of literary study to nodal points of societal text production,
even outside such procedures' inherited objective realm. With the "figure
of the third," mechanisms of cultural codification come into view that,
to the extent they contain a narrative core, fall within the natural competence
of genuine literary analysis. On the one hand, the theme is firmly anchored
in literary phenomenology, and invites the most rigorous literary analysis:
neither Goethe's novels nor the incestuous utopia projected in Musil's
Man without Qualities can be adequately understood without considering
such ternary relational processes. On the other hand, the theme moves
toward the center of a cultural theory facing questions of social intelligibility.
In many fields of social semantics, use is made of aesthetic motifs that
set a multivalent third quantity into play: wherever there are references
to thresholds, origins, ends, and borders, and whenever the question of
mediators, discursive double agents, and border markers is posed together
with the formation and dissolution of polarities of the type inside-outside
and before-after. It is no coincidence that over recent years, in order
to take such phenomena into account, discourse analysis has been enriched
by the concept of "trickster discourse" (Vizenor et al.).
While the trickster may be a subversive figure, the need to politically-juridically
legitimize social conditions produces narrative promenades through border
regions. Rousseau's Social Contract, for example, is a masterpiece of
narrative overcoming of a problem that strictly logically has no solution:
the need of the legislator responsible for the human transition from the
state of nature to the state of society to precede his own time in order
to fulfill his office. The doctrine of the social contract in any event
produced an entire series of excluded/included third parties avant la
lettre. Located in its immediate vicinity, the same can be said for the
regulative fictions of politics. Like the legislator, the sovereign is
a figure of the third, in so far that he acts simultaneously inside and
outside the political order--not dissimilarly to the trickster, although
he in fact has to play a completely contrary role. A political reading
of the seventeenth and eighteenth century European dramas of royalty could
show that upon this field, literature unfolds paradoxes hidden by contemporary
theories of law and state for the sake of their functioning. By virtue
of its apparently function-free fictionality, imaginative literature here
produces a yield of precision that cannot be aimed at by any other sort
of text. This raises the hope that an analysis of various texts using
the methods of literary studies can trace out the self-replicating fictionalization
effects of present-day systems of social regulation.
With a reconstruction of "cryptoliterary" textual strategies within nonliterary
discourse, only half the research project's purpose has in fact been realized.
Such a reconstruction gains its importance for actual literary studies
above all from being linked, once more, to the reading of poetic texts.
Since poetry prefers establishing its experimental order by way of epistemologically
open or even indeterminate situations, the view of fictional structures
can be sharpened by the practical experience with the "involuntary" literary
contents of functional discourse. The problems of performative self-validation
and circular forms of verification, of inclusions/exclusions and other
"seats of infection" for the third in literature itself, will need to
be considered more closely than has been the case until now. Hence an
exchange in both directions exists between narratives inside and outside
literature. When Michel Serres develops his theory of the parasite--also
an economic and monetary theory--from a (willful) interpretation of Lafontaine's
fables, then the concept of the parasite is inversely suitable for uncovering
new aspects of literature's economy of symbols. And in an even more extensive
manner, categories of deconstruction developed in the framework of a philosophical
critique of metaphysical binarism have resonated back upon various processes
related to the poetic sign, facilitating their deeper understanding. In
the end, threshold, liminality, rite de passage, hybridization, mediator,
trickster, are all circulating captions producing multiple resonances
in the triangle between ethnology, the self-description of modern societies,
and literary narrative techniques. In an estranged light, which is to
say operating partially "out of area," the field of literary studies can
here rediscover its most suitable analytic instruments.
Translated by Joel Golb