of Konstanz Graduate Students at University of Chicago
Friday, February 20:
Pick-Up by Omega Car Service
Housing: International Center (University of Chicago)
Monday, February
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.:
Meeting of Konstance Graduates with Prof. Albrecht Koschorke
Location: Wieboldt 206
5:00-7:00 p.m.: Seminar Session 1
Prof. David E. Wellbery (Germanic Studies; Comparative Lit.; Cmte. on
Social Thought): Some Remarks on Derrida
Location: Franke Institute for the Humanities
Tuesday, February 24:
5:00-7:00 p.m.: Seminar
Session 2
Prof. Eric Santner (Germanic Studies; Cmte. on Jewish Studies): The Figure
of the Third in Rosenzweig
1) Eric Santner, “Miracles Happen: Benjamin, Rosenzweig, Freud,
and the
Matter of the Neighbor.”*
2) Franz Rosenzweig, The Star of Redemption, Part II, Introduction: “On
the possibility of experiencing miracles.”
Location: Wieboldt 408
Wednesday, February 25:
5:00-7:00 p.m.: Seminar
Session 3
Professor Jonathan Lear (Cmte. on Social Thought; Philosophy): On Irony
Location: Franke Institute for the Humanities
Thursday, February 26:
5:00-7:00 p.m.: Seminar
Session 4
Professor W.J.T. Mitchell (English; Art History; Cmte. Art & Design;
Editor, Critical Inquiry): Biocybernetic Reproduction
Reading: W.J.T. Mitchell, “Biocybernetic Reproduction”*
Location: Wieboldt 408
Friday, February 27:
3:00-5:00 p.m.:
Report by Konstanz Graduates on the Project Figur des Dritten.
Location: Wieboldt 206
7:30 p.m. Party (light
Location: 5840 S. Stony Island Ave. (chez Koschorke)