A political science study at the University of Konstanz finds that asylum applicants are not treated equally in all German federal states during all relevant decision-making stages.
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Radolfzell, the University of Konstanz, and Osaka City University report that cleaner wrasse respond to their reflection
Vom 12. bis zum 14. März 2019 bietet die Universität Konstanz Studieninteressierten die Möglichkeit, sich vor Ort über die Universität und ihr Studienangebot zu informieren.
Ein Studierendenteam der Universität und Hochschule Konstanz sowie der Musikhochschule Trossingen wurde von der Initiative „Wissenschaft im Dialog“ für ihr Konzept zu Künstlicher Intelligenz ausgezeichnet
An international research team, including University of Konstanz ecologist Professor Mark van Kleunen, analyzed the influence of fungi on biodiversity.
Researchers from the University of Konstanz, the University of California-Los Angeles, Tel Aviv University and the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat gain new insights into how phenotypic complexity influences diversification among Lake Malawi cichlid fish.
"Core facilities are centres that make it easier to carry out research." This is how Professor Elisa May, the director of the Bioimaging Centre (BIC) at the University of Konstanz, describes the twenty infrastructure installations at the University of Konstanz. Read our online magazine to find out more about the unique features of these shared equipment centres in Konstanz.