The German University Sports Federation (adh) has announced the results of its 2023 university rankings. The University of Konstanz takes first place in the ed-ucation ranking.
Study by researchers from the Nuremberg Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the University of Konstanz and the University of Bamberg concludes that the chances of obtaining asylum in a specific region depend upon how sceptical of migration its population and government are.
In Germany, women earn an average of 18 percent less than their male colleagues. Over one year, this is the equivalent of women working for free until 6 March 2024 (Equal Pay Day). In a policy paper, researchers from the Konstanz Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" explain how the gender pay gap could be reduced.
Two physicists at the University of Konstanz are developing a method that could enable the stable exchange of information in quantum computers. In the leading role: photons that make quantum bits "fly".
The Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz presents In_equality Research Award 2024 to economist Simon Jäger in recognition of his exceptional research achievements and their social relevance. The award ceremony will take place on 10 April 2024 during the In_equality Conference at Bodenseeforum Konstanz.
How autocrats control the internet via state-owned service providers: A German-American research team led by the University of Konstanz has mapped the ownership of network infrastructures in democratic and authoritarian states worldwide.
Behavioural biologist Barbara Fruth and health psychologist Britta Renner from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour provide insights into the importance of eating together for humans and animals in a new episode of the German podcast "Exzellent erklärt - Spitzenforschung für alle". They also talk about research into swarm intelligence.
“Contrary to ‘The Lion King’ there is no king or queen in lion societies. No single individual gets priority access to resources, whether that be access to mates or access to food after participating in a hunt”, says Konstanz researcher Natalia Borrego.
Researchers at the University of Konstanz have successfully filmed the operations of extremely fast electronic circuitry in an electron microscope at a bandwidth of tens of terahertz.