Forschungsnetzwerk PHYTOARK unter Beteiligung der Universität Konstanz untersucht in der Ostsee evolutionäre Anpassungen von Phytoplankton an Klimaeinflüsse
The mission of the international research consortium called the “Vertebrate Genomes Project” (VGP) is to sequence a representative genome of all vertebrate species. Now the methodological tools have been developed and the first 16 test genomes have been completed. This international large-scale project involves the University of Konstanz.
Bundesforschungsministerium fördert Verlängerung der Projektlaufzeit der SMARTACT-Studie zum Gesundheitsverhalten – Gesamtförderung des Verbundprojektes beträgt über fünf Millionen Euro
Army ants collectively form complex, adaptable structures, without a need for communication – study by the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour
The University of Konstanz and Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG) combine their expertise in qualitative cultural and social research by founding the Binational Center for Qualitative Methods (BZQM)
At the start of the new semester, Professor Katharina Holzinger, rector of the University of Konstanz, welcomes university members to the new semester via video (in German).