Equal opportunity has been advocated at the University of Konstanz for more than 30 years – anniversary film pays tribute to the protagonists (in German)
At the University of Konstanz, a multimedia interview project on East-West perspectives on recent German-German history is carried out with persons born in 1961 – you can apply now. (in German)
Sociology Professor Claudia Diehl from the University of Konstanz talks in the interview about her role in the Blanchard-Tirole-Commission, an expert commission of the French President Emmanuel Macron, that has concluded its work this week. (in German)
Research collaboration involving the Health Psychology research team at the University of Konstanz identifies multiple starting points for the further development of apps to help improve users’ nutrition.
The Konstanz-based research group of Professor Marcel Leist and the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing-Europe (CAAT-Europe) started two new Horizon 2020 projects – RISK-HUNT3R and TOX-Free – to replace animal testing for chemical risk and safety assessment.
Abiturientin Helen Hauck sichert sich den zweiten Platz beim Bundesfinale von „Jugend forscht“ in der Kategorie Chemie – Forschungsarbeit entstand in Kooperation mit dem Schülerlabor des Fachbereichs Chemie der Universität Konstanz
From 07 June 2021 to 11 June 2021, the academic bodies and the student representation 2021 at the University of Konstanz were elected via online election.