University Alliance EUniWell

University of Konstanz joins the European University Alliance EUniWell. The common mission: Thinking about well-being from multiple perspectives in order to bring about sustainable positive change for the common good.

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Neurotoxicological hazard assessment without animal testing

Using animal-free methods to assess the hazard potential of chemicals to the nervous system of unborn children? An international research team including toxicologists from Konstanz and Düsseldorf has developed a testing battery based on human cells that has the potential to replace traditional methods for assessing developmental neurotoxicity.

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Statement on the protests in Iran

The University of Konstanz continues to follow the recent developments in Iran and at Iranian universities with great concern. We support the current position of the German Bundestag, that stands in solidarity with the protesters in Iran, and strongly condemn any violence against the protesters and especially the repression against universities in Iran.

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After the successful kick-off in April 2022, the Centre for HUMAN | DATA | SOCIETY has now been established at the University of Konstanz. Across different disciplines, the centre investigates aspects of the data society as well as interactions between humans and data-driven systems.

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The guardian of the (epi-)genome

Toxicologists from the University of Konstanz have found that the protein p53 continuously protects our cells from tumorigenesis by coordinating important metabolic processes that stabilize their genomes.

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Traumatized communities

How can we effectively address and treat the severe trauma that people are experiencing due to the wars in Europe and around the world? The NETfacts therapy system targets the whole community where the trauma occurred – a research project of the University of Konstanz and the aid organization "vivo international".

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