Advanced training on the topic of consulting

The continuing education program is aimed at academic and non-academic employees from the internal consulting institutions of the central and decentralized facilities. The offers are integrated in the internal advanced training program for the science-supporting area as "consulting competence", but can also be booked there by academic employees. The continuing education program for advising is compiled by the Career Service on the basis of ongoing needs assessments. In doing so, we rely on regular feedback and expression of needs from you.

Basic training in advising for the university sector

This advanced training introduces the fundamentals of advising in a practical manner. Participants:

  • reflect and learn the basics and methods of counseling work
  • reflect on their professional role as a counselor
  • learn procedures and tools for the counseling process
  • deepen procedures and tools in practice sequences
  • learn how to moderate an academic advising session and practice maintaining a balance between process orientation and structuring.

Module 1: 17. + 18. July 2024 - Bischofsvilla
Module 2: 24. + 25. September 2024 - Bischofsvilla
Module 3: 10. + 11. December 2024 - Bischofsvilla

From 9:00 a.m. - 17:00 p.m.
Exception: on 11th of December the seminar ends at 16:30 p.m.

Lecturer: Dipl.-Psych. Anna Dollinger, noesis

Registration and further information: internal training program