© Alina Timofte

Working with Refugees

This project seminar is addressed to students who either volunteer or would like to volunteer with refugees in related projects led by NGOs and public institutions in the Konstanz area. It might be the case that students have prior experiences and are currently involved with projects that touch upon the engagement with refugees. If so, this seminar will provide the professional expertise to enhance the current engagement. However, the seminar invites equally students who have not yet gotten any (project) experience, but would love to be involved in refugee related projects. 

At first, the seminar will provide you with theoretical insights based on relevant academic research, and point to potential risks and challenges regarding working with supportively with people affected by conflict and displacement. After this theoretical input, the seminar will be practical for most of its duration. The students can either work individually or form a group and base their work on projects, ideas and experiences previously made. New ideas and projects are welcomed as well. The seminar conductor will give professional advise on the planning, conducting and revision of the projects. Within a time frame of one or two semesters, the project will be discussed within your seminar group as well as with the seminar conductor. Optimally, the projects will have a sustainable and long lasting impact that will benefit the newly arrived refugees for good.

Structure and Organisation:
There is the option of taking the seminar either for one or two semesters. As Service Learning is a major component of this seminar, students are required to complete either 25 hours (1 semester) or 50 hours (1 or 2 semesters) of volunteering. In case students have already volunteered and accumulated hours, the project can be finished within one semester. The same applies if a minimum of 25 volunteering hours have been recorded. In this case, students will receive 6, instead of 9 ETCS points.

Students are encouraged to engage critically with the course readings and their volunteering  experiences. In addition to the volunteering hours, completion of  three written assignments  and a reflection paper is required. The seminar is held in English.