Doctoral programmes and departments

The Konstanz Research School (KRS) is home to all forms of doctoral studies at any of the 13 departments – be it one of the many structured doctoral programmes or the option of individual doctoral research. KRS also provides an excellent research environment as well as high standards in supervision and support for all doctoral researchers.

Options for doctoral research

There are different paths to a doctorate, but the legal basis for all of them is the university's Doctoral Regulations. Generally, there are two main options:

Structured doctoral programmes

In addition to individual supervision and research, structured doctoral programmes offer a fixed curriculum with set periods and, in some cases, integrated funding.

At the University of Konstanz, you can choose between different forms of structured doctoral programmes and doctoral study programmes. They provide you with clear structures and processes, and include a range of subject-specific and interdisciplinary courses. In addition to that, some programmes offer specialized interdisciplinary training and promote international networking.

Individual doctoral research

Individual doctoral research does not follow a specific programme. You individually agree with your supervisor on how to carry out your doctoral project. After successfully applying to a potential primary supervisor suitable for the research area, you agree on a topic – either with just your supervisor or the research team. Doctoral research is usually financed through employment as an academic staff member or through a scholarship.