Shanghai Jiao Tong (ARWU) results


501st - 600th in the world

32nd in Germany


501st - 600th in the world

31st in Germany


601st - 700th in the world

37th in Germany


401st - 500th in the world

28th - 30th in Germany


401st - 500th in the world

29th - 36th in Germany


401st - 500th in the world

27th - 37th in Germany


401st - 500th in the world

28th - 38th in Germany


401st - 500th in the world

29th - 39th in Germany


301st - 400th in the world

23rd - 30th in Germany


301st - 400th in the world

24th - 30th in Germany


301st - 400th in the world

25th - 30th in Germany

Methods / Indicators

As of the 101st place, the universities are listed alphabetically in the following ranges:

position 101 to 150, 151 to 200, 201 to 300, 301 to 400, 401 to 500

  • 10 % quality of education
    number of alumni, who have won a Nobel prize or an important mathematics prize (Fields Medal)
  • 40 % quality of the academic staff
    number of researchers that have won a Nobel prize or a Fields Medal (20 %)

Number of highly cited researchers in 21 subject groups (20 %)

  • 40 % output in research
    Number of articles published in Nature and Science (20 %)

Number of indexed articles in SCience Citation Index-expanded (SCI Expanded) and in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The SSCI articles are counted double. (The SSCI includes articles since 2006) (20 %).

  • 10 % institution size
    total points from indicators 1 through 5 divided by the number of academic staff at the university (in full time positions). If no data is available for the academic personnel, then the total number of points for indicators 1 through 5 are used.