On the Move.

Wissenschaftskarrieren international und gendergerecht gestalten (international and gender-equitable academic careers)

9 - 10 October 2014, Mainau Island, Konstanz

Hosted by the University of Konstanz’s Academic Staff Development team, International Office and Office for Equal Opportunity, Family Affairs and Diversity as well as the Konstanz Science Forum.

The title was "On the Move.. Wissenschaftskarrieren international und gendergerecht gestalten" and contributed to the current internationalisation debate by focusing on the trends, opportunities and risks of university internationalisation while paying particular attention to the gender and diversity aspects of the topic. International experts were invited to join in the critical and constructive discussion at this event in the Lake Constance region.

Exhibition: Women on the Move

Portraits of women researchers by Ulrike Sommer and Albert Kümmel-Schnur were displayed in an exhibition organised by the University of Konstanz’s Office for Equal Opportunity, Family Affairs and Diversity.

10 women movers

10 women in motion

10 women are moved

Today’s research policy makes internationality a requirement. Internationality is considered the measure of a university’s excellence. How does the bigger political goal trickle down into the biographies of individual researchers? Professors at the University of Konstanz answered questions from Marion Woelki, Anja Matuszak, Bettina Duval and Alexandra Hassler.

"Women on the Move" portrays 10 different personalities in photography, scenography and text. Two people demonstrate what it means to be a female researcher on the move - interested in travelling, constantly mobile and under pressure to internationalise with the motivation to try new and unexpected things in service of their passion for science.

Ulrike Sommer is a photographer who lives and works in Konstanz.

Albert Kümmel-Schnur is also based in Konstanz and works as a storyteller.