Crime and Culture Crime as a Cultural Problem. The Relevance of Perceptions of Corruption to Crime Prevention. A Comparative Cultural Study in the EU-Accession States Bulgaria and Romania, the EU-Candidate States Turkey and Croatia and the EU-States Germany, Greece and United Kingdom.
An International Research Project within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission
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University of Galatasaray (GSU)


The Institution

The University of Galatasaray bears the distinction of being the first university founded by international agreement between France and Turkey. Although neither a private nor foundation university, and while functioning under Turkish Higher Education regulations, it differs from all other universities through the unique nature of its establishment. Since 1993, protocols for the university’s cooperation with 38 French higher education institutions have been signed. This cooperation is implemented through exchanges of both students and teaching staff. The present project will be carried out within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Department of Economics) whilst deploying human and material resources also of “The European Research and Documentation Center” and “The Penalty Law and Criminology Research Center”.

The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences offers programmes through the Departments of Economics, Political Sciences, and International Relations. Instruction is conducted in Turkish and French, whilst English based on a graded system is also a requirement along with the basic courses. Computer laboratories and the Documentation Center supported by an international library system by means of Internet provide access to large bodies of information in accordance with the University’s educational mission. Academic staff comprises Turkish and French professors, who are the members of the University or visiting scholars. “The European Research and Documentation Center” is in possession of the European Council depository library --which is also specialized in European Union law and economics-- and organizes conferences and symposia on different fields concerning Europe. Whereas the center co-ordinates research programs concerning European questions within the fields of law, economics, international relations, and sociology in cooperation with European Union and the Council of Europe, certificate programs on Europe held for the public as well.


Members of the Project Team



Prof. Dr. Ahmet Insel



Zeynep Sarlak (M. A.)

Esra Kuyas (M.A.)

Dr Besim Bulent Bali




Professor Ahmet INSEL, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, University of Galatasaray



University of Galatasaray

Çırağan Cad. No:36

34357 Ortaköy/İstanbul

Tel: 0090-212-2274480



Present Positions

Professor at the University of Galatasaray, Economics Department, since 2001.

Associate professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University since 1987.


Responsibilities within the Turkish Project

Supervising all research activity in Turkey, elaborating methodology, writing research reports, articles, participating in meetings and conferences on the issue of corruption, disseminating research findings.


Qualification for the Accomplishment of the Task

Professor Insel has been active in a wide range of research fields, from development economics and the philosophy of economics to the political role of the army in Turkey. His studies focus on the relationship between the deficiencies of the socio-political order and economic development in Turkey as well as in an international context. He also has experience in international research projects such as within the project: “European Integration and Cultural Patterns of Thought and Perception. Cultural Aspects of the EU Enlargement Process on the Basis of the Relations between the EU and Turkey (supported by the Volkswagen Foundation and coordinated by Dr.Angelos Giannakopoulos, University of Konstanz, Germany). In addition, he is currently participating in a research project on “Working Conditions, Labour and Syndicalism: The Industry Sector in Turkey”, carried out by Prof. Ayse Bugra at Bosporus University, Istanbul.



PhD in economics Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, 1982: L’Etat et l’institution du développement économique.

Master of History of Economic Thought and Epistemology, 1978, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, master thesis: L’Anthropologie économique des marxistes.

B.A on economics, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, 1977.



Prof. Insel teaches development economics, non-market economics, social change and politics, and the philosophy of economics. He is on the editorial board of numerous social scientific journals such as Revue du Mouvement Anti-Utilitariste dans les Sciences Sociales (MAUSS) and Toplum ve Bilim (Society and Science, a quarterly journal on cultural and political sociology, Istanbul).


Selected publications


  • (eds. A.Insel and A. Bayramoglu), Türkiye’de Ordu, Bir Zümre Bir Parti [The Army in Turkey, A Social Stratum and a Party], Birikim Yayinlari, Istanbul: 2004;

  • Neoliberalizm, Hegemonyanin Yeni Dili [Neoliberalism, the New Language of Hegemony] , Birikim Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2004;

  • ed. by A. Insel) La Turquie et le développement, L’Harmattan, Paris: 2003;

  • (ed. by A. Insel) Kemalizm, Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce [Kemalism. Political Thought in Modern Turkey], Vol: II, Iletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul: 2001;

  • Solu Yeniden Tanimlamak [Redefining the Left] , Iletisim yayinlari, Istanbul: 2000;

  • (ed. by A. Insel) La Turquie et l'Europe; une relation tumultueuse, L'Harmattan, Paris: 1999;

  • Düzen ve Kalkınma Kıskacında Türkiye [Turkey in the Nippers of the Political Order and Economic Development] , Ayrıntı Yayınları, Istanbul: 1996;

  • Iktisat Ideolojisinin Elestirisi [Criticism of the Ideology of Economics] , Iletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul: 1995;

  • Türkiye Toplumunun Bunalimi [The Crisis of the Turkish Society] , Iletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul: 1991;

  • La Turquie entre l’Ordre et le Développement, L’Harmattan, Paris: 1984.


Selected Papers since 1995:

  • «Politiques d’immigration et population active turque en Europe; des ‘immigrés Turcs’ vers ‘les Turcs d’Europe’», (with S. Gürsel and H. Levent), in Intégration euro-méditerrannéenne et stratégies économiques, sous la dir. de Henri Regnault, Septembre 2003 ;

  • “Düzen mi Kalkinma mi?” [Economic Development versus Political Order], Muhafazakârlik [Conservatism], (ed. by Ahmet Cigdem), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düsünce [Political Thought in Modern Turkey], Vol: V , Iletisim Yay., Istanbul: 2003 

  • “The Justice and Development Party and the Normalization of Democracy in Turkey”, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 102:2/3, Duke University Press, 2003;

  • “Les détérminants économiques et sociaux de la migration des travailleurs turcs dans l’Union Européenne”, (with S. Gürsel and H. Levent), Les dynamiques migratoires dans l’Union Européenne, sous la dir. De E.M. Mouhoud et J. Oudinet, convention de recherche avec le MiRe, Décembre 2002;

  • “La Turchia et l’Unione Europea : libera circulazione della forza lavoro o armonizzazione dei mercati del lavoro?” , L’Industria, XXIII, n°: 3, 2002 ;

  • “Milliyetçilik ve Kalkinmacilik” [Nationalism and Developmentalism], Milliyetçilik[Nationalism] ( ed. by Tanil Bora), Iletisim Yay., Istanbul: 2002;

  • “Quelle ‘autre mondialisation’?”, Revue du MAUSS, n°: 20, 2002;

  • “Iki yoksulluk tanimi ve bir öneri” [Two Definitions of Poverty and a Proposal], Toplum ve Bilim, n°: 89, 2001;

  • “Özgürlük etigi karsisinda iktisat kurami” [The Economics Theory versus the Ethics of Freedom], Toplum ve Bilim, n° 85, 2000;

  • “Amartya Sen ou une économie conforme à l'éthique de la liberté”, Revue du MAUSS, n°: 15, 2000;

  • “Panorama des relations turco-européennes” and “La citoyenneté et les identités dans la République de Turquie”, La Turquie et l'Europe: une relation tumultueuse.

  • “On Unachieved Democracy”, The Living Legacy of Marx, Durkheim and Weber (ed. by Richard Altschuler), Gordon Knot Books, New York: 1998;

  • “Pourquoi la candidature turque n’est pas acceptée par l’Union”, L’Homme et Migrations, n°: 1216, Décembre 1998;

  • “Evaluation du revenu minimum garanti” (with A.Caille), Pour un revenu minimum garantie, La Découverte, Paris: 1996;

  • “Neoklasik iktisat ve modern toplum” [Neoclassical Economics and Modern Society], Toplum ve Bilim, n° 72, 1997;

  • “La laicité kémaliste et l'éxigence démocratique”, Institutionnalisation,Communication et Rapports Sociaux en Turquie et en Méditerrannée orientale, Varia Turcica, XX, L'Harmattan, Paris: 1995.


Current Research Projects

- “European Integration and Culturale Patterns of Thought and Perception. Cultural Aspects of the EU Enlargement Process on the Basis of the Relations between the EU and Turkey supported by the Volkswagen Foundation and coordinated by Dr.Angelos Giannakopoulos (University of Konstanz, Germany). Supervision of the research in Turkey: “The Democratisation Discourses of the Turkish Parliamentarians in reference to Turkey’s Bid for EU-Accession (1996-2004)”, carried out by Esat Bozyigit (2003-present).

- “Working Conditions, Labour and Syndicalism: The Industry Sector in Turkey” (with

Ayşe Bugra et al.), under preparation (2004-present), University of Bosporus, Istanbul.



Zeynep SARLAK (M. A.) (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre d’Histoire du Domaine Turc, Paris and University of Galatasaray, Istanbul)


Responsibilities within the Project in Turkey

Elaborating methodology, writing research reports, articles, participating in meetings and conferences on the issue of corruption, disseminating research findings.


Qualification for the Accomplishment of the Task

Ms. Sarlak’s recent doctoral studies in political science focus on problems of democratisation in Turkey (securitisation, defense expenses and competition policies). Besides her teaching activities, she has valuable experience in interdisciplinary social research (including economics, comparative politics and political sociology and statistics) as a participant in several research projects on Turkish socio-political culture.



Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre d’Histoire du Domaine Turc, Paris, France, Political Science, PhD Student

Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France, Comparative Politics, M.A.

The University of Sorbonne, Paris, France, French Language and Civilization Certificate

Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, Political Science and International Relations, M. A.

Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, Economics, B. A.


Research and Teaching Activities

Centre for European Union Education and Youth Programmes, NATIONAL AGENCY-Ankara, Education and vocational training, Leonardo da Vinci, European Union Vocational Training Programme-Project Evaluation

EDAM, Eğitim Danışmanlığı ve Araştırmaları Merkezi (Training Consultancy and Research Center), Education, vocational training and publication

KÜLTÜR PRIVATE HIGH, İncirli Yolbaşı Sok. 34147 Bakırköy, Istanbul, Turkey, Lecturer for the Introductory Economics Courses required for the International Baccalaureate Program.

DOĞUS PRIVATE HIGH, Acıbadem, 34722 Kadıköy, Istanbul, Turkey, Lecturer and Creativity-Action-Service (CAS) co-ordinator, acted as a CAS co-ordinator and a lecturer for the Introductory Economics Courses required for the International Baccalaureate Program.

GALATASARAY UNIVERSITY, Çırağan Cad. No:36 34357 Ortaköy, Istanbul, Turkey, Research Assistant, Lecturer in the Department of Political Science (democracy and globalization, poetry and politics courses), supervising independent research works and thesis of undergraduate students since 2000, working as student advisor since 1999, founder and vice-president of the Visual and Audio-Visual Documentation Center.

POSTA EUROPE, 65, rue du Fbg. Saint Denis 75010, Paris, France, Magazine Editor, Performed as an editor to this bilingual (French &Turkish) magazine with political and cultural context, distributed in France and Brussels.

DOĞUS PRIVATE HIGH –DOĞUŞ INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION (OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY) Acıbadem, 34722 Kadıköy, Istanbul, Lecturer and Creativity-Action-Service (CAS) co-ordinator



As undergraduate student, involved in a construction project in Cairo, Egypt through AIESEC, 5-6/1991.

As graduate student, assisted the spokesman and the English Press Department in the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, June 1996.

Worked as the producer assistant in the documentary on Istanbul [a part of the project called MEDITERRANĖE] produced by France 5, 2002.

As undergraduate student, took part in the research of the project and assisted the organization the international conference titled “Competition Policies for Turkey”, funded by UNIDO and the Ford Foundation. (Publication: Policies for Competition and Competitiveness: The Case of Industry in Turkey (ed.) Refik Erzan, Vienna: UNIDO, 1995.)

Creativity-Action-Service Co-ordinator of the International Baccalaureate Program (performance graded as “excellent” from the International Baccalaureate Organization, Geneva, 2003.)

Organisation of a seminar series during PHD studies.


Publications (selection)

  • “Yasayan Direnis Ruhunun Sesi:” [Voice of the Lively Resistance:], Sivil Toplum, No. 2, April-May-June 2003.

  • “Resmi Kaynaklara Göre Savunma Harcamalari” [Defence Expenses According to the Official Sources], Birikim, August-September 2002.

  • “Egitimde Yeni Ufuklar, Uluslararası Bakalorya” [New Horizons in Education, International Baccalaureate] , Insan Kaynakları, No. 1, March 2002.

  • “Atatürkcülükten Milli Güvenlik Rejimi’ne: 1990’lar Türkiye’sine Bir Bakıs” [From Atatürkism to National Security Regime: A View to Turkey in 1990s], in: Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramoğlu (eds.) Bir Zümre, Bir Parti Türkiye'de Ordu [The Army in Turkey, A Social Stratum and a Party] , Birikim Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2004.


Dr. Bülent BALI


Bülent Bali is assistant professor of economics at Isik University, Istanbul. He has held this post since June 2002. Previously, he served as a research and teaching assistant at Marmara University between 1993-2002. Bali was born in 1968. He received his BA in economics from Bosphorus University, his MA in public finance from Marmara University, his MSc. in economics from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and his PhD. in public economics from Marmara University. Since 2003 he is a member of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF). Bali is teaching microeconomics, macroeconomics, managerial economics, international political economy, Turkish economy and public economics. He is also a visiting professor at the Turkish Naval Academy and Galatasaray University. His domain of interest includes Turkey-EU relations, corruption, local public finance, fiscal decentralisation, pension reforms, and subnational capital markets.





  • "Government Revenue from Money Creation in Turkey: post-1980 Experience", MA thesis, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul, 1995 (in Turkish).

  • "Privatization of Social Security Systems: The Case of Turkey", MSc. thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Center for Economic Studies, 1998 (in English).

  • "Social Security Institutions within the General Public Sector and Restructuring Pension Systems in Turkey", Ph.D. Thesis, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences , Istanbul, 2002 (in Turkish).



  • Government Revenue from Money Creation in Turkey: post-1980 Experience, TUGIAD Publications, Istanbul: 1996 (in Turkish, a revised version of the MA thesis).



  • “Isletmeci KIT’lerin 1981-1996 Donemindeki Harcamalari,” Marmara Universitesi I.I.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt: XII, Sayi: 1-2, 1997, ss. 115-135.

  • “Kamusal Karar Almada Kullanilan Oylama Yontemleri,” Prof. Dr. Salih Sanver'e Armagan icinde, Istanbul: Marmara Universitesi Maliye Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi Yayini, 1998, ss. 83-96.

  • “Turkiye'de Butce Gercekciligi,” Marmara Universitesi I.I.B.F. Dergisi Ozel Sayi: Prof. Dr. Halil Nadaroglu’na Armagan, Cilt: XIV, Sayi:1, 1998, ss. 57-69.

  • “Privatization of Social Security Systems: The Case of Turkey,” Prof. Dr. Adnan Tezel'e Armagan icinde, Istanbul: Marmara Universitesi Maliye Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi Yayini, 2000, ss. 59-86.

  • “Globalizasyon ve Refah Devletinin Yeniden Tanimlanmasi: Emeklilik Sistemlerinde Reform,” Globalizasyonun Yansimalari icinde, Ugur Selcuk Akalin (ed.), Istanbul: Donkisot Yayinlari, 2002, ss. 121-170.

  • “Kamu Kesimi Finansman Aciklari ile Ilgili Yeni Yaklasimlar,” Istanbul Universitesi Iktisat Fakultesi Maliye Arastirma Merkezi Konferanslari 46. Seri/Yil 2004 Prof. Dr. Salih Turhan’a Armagan, ss. 108-128.

  • “Altyapi Yatirimlarina Ozel Sektor Katiliminin Fiyatlama Politikasi Uzerine Etkisi,” Marmara Universitesi I.I.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt: XX, Sayi: 1, 2005, ss. 217-245.

  • “Yerel Yonetim Borclarinin Kontrolunde Kullanilan Yontemler ve AB Uygulamasi: Mali Ozerklik Mali Istikrara Karsi,” Vergici ve Muhasebeciyle Diyalog, Yil: 21, Sayi: 214, 2006, ss. 155-167.

  • “Mali Desantralizasyon Surecinde Yerel Yonetimlerin Borclanmasi: Bir Teorik Cerceve Denemesi,” Mali Yerellesme Teori ve Uygulama Uzerine Yazilar, Ayse Guner ve Serdar Yilmaz (der.) Istanbul: Guncel Yayincilik, 2006, ss. 149-177.

  • “Turkiye’de Yerel Yonetimlerin Borclanmasina Mali Ozerklik Perspektifinden Bir Bakis,” Yerel Yonetimler Uzerine Guncel Yazilar-II, Huseyin Ozgur ve Muhammet Kosecik (ed.), to be published in 2007.



  • Parasal Kisit Altinda Maliye Politikasinin Etkinligi: Avrupa Para Birligi Ornegi (EMU), 17. Symposium on Public Finance in Turkey, May 7-10, 2002, Fethiye.

  • Finansal Piyasalar ile Ic Borclanma Maliyeti Iliskisi: AB Ulkeleri ile Bir Karsilastirma, 18. Symposium on Public Finance in Turkey, May 13-16, 2003, Girne.

  • Globallesme Surecinde Kamusal Mal Kavraminin Evrimi 13. National Congress of Social Sciences, December 10-12, 2003, METU, Ankara.

  • The Political Economy of the Stability and Growth Pact, Europe in a Changing World, The Third METU Conference on International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Department Of International Relations, May 24-26, 2004, Culture And Convention Center, Ankara.

  • Turkey and the European Union: Lessons from Club Theory, Implications of A Wider Europe: Politics, Institutions and Diversity, 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, 24-26 June, 2004, Johns Hopkins University, Bologna, Italy.

  • AB Uyesi Ulkelerde Yerel Yonetimlerin Borclanmasi: Turkiye Icin Bazi Dersler, 20. Symposium on Public Finance in Turkey, May 23-27, 2005, Karahayit/Pamukkale.

  • AB Uyesi Ulkelerde Yerel Yonetimlerin Borclanmasi, TEPAV, Icisleri Bakanligi Mahalli Idareler Genel Mudurlugu ve World Bank Institute tarafindan duzenlenen Yonetimler Arasi Mali Iliskiler Egitim Programi, November 9-13 2005, Bolu.

  • Makroekonomik Denge ve Maastricht Kriterleri, AB Surecinde Turkiye Ekonomisi, Istanbul Ticaret Universitesi, September 7-8 2006, Istanbul.

  • Subsidiarity versus Stability: Can European Fiscal Rules Solve the Dilemma?, Third Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on the European Union, Bilgi University, 21-23 September 2006, Istanbul.


Esra KUYAS (M.A.)


Esra KUYAS is since 1999 a teaching assistant at Galatasaray University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science. 1994-1999 she was a research assistant at Galatasaray University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science. 1991-1993 she has worked as a reporter at weekly magazine TEMPO. 2004-2006 was responsible for the Observatory on Turkish Political Life at French Institute of Anatolian Studies, Istanbul. She is currently preparing her PhD thesis in political studies (La place des parties de Vision Nationale dans le système politique turc – National Vision parties in Turkish political system) at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, France. She studied 1993-1994 political studies (L’intégrisme catholique en France et le Front National – Catholic fundamentalism in France and the Front National) at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, France. She gained an M.A. 1989-1993 in Political and Administrative Sciences at Marmara University, Department of Political and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul (in French).



  • Tarih 1939-2002 [History 1939-2002] (translator and co-editor), TÜSIAD, Istanbul, 2003.

  • Tarih 1839-1939 [History 1839-1939] (translator and co-editor), TÜSIAD, Istanbul, 2006.

  • “Refah Partisi’nin Kapatilmasi ve Fazilet Partisi’nin Kurulmasi” (Dissolution of Prosperity Party and foudation of Virtue Party), Cumhuriyetin 75 Yili, vol. 4, Yapi Kredi, Istanbul, 2002.



  • BOUVET, Jean-François (ed.), Du fer dans les épinards, Paris, Seuil, 1997 (published in 2001 by Yapi Kredi Yayinlari).

  • JEANNENEY, Jean-Noël, Une histoire des médias, Paris, Seuil, 1996 (published in 1998 by Yapi Kredi Yayinlari).

  • DELOYE, Yves, “Cumhuriyet Fikri ve Vatandaslik: Fransiz Deneyimi (1840-1945)” (“Republic and Citizenship: The French Case (1840-1945)”), Cogito, no. 15, summer 1998, p. 95-113.

  • Trois écrivains turcs dans une chambre au bord de l’océan (Maison des écrivains et traducteurs étrangers de Saint-Nazaire)(Three Writers in a Room Beside the Ocean), Istanbul, Institut Français d’Istanbul and Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, 2000.

  • DUMONT, Paul et GEORGEON, François, “Un bourgeois d’Istanbul au début du XXème siècle” (“A Bourgeois in Istanbul at the Beginning of 20th Century”), TURCICA, t. 17, 1985, pp. 127-182 (for Yapi Kredi Yayinlari).

  • MAYER, Nona, “Le sentiment national en France” (“National feeling in France”) (for Yapi Kredi Yayinlari).


Area of interest

Politics: Turkish political system; political parties; political institutions; power elite; Islam and politics in Turkey

Sociological studies on organisations: power relations; organisational culture; organisational change; multicultural organisations; organisational governance

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